aravindk2604 / publishAirsimImgs

Publish Images from Airsim into ROS

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catkin_make error

gonzaloaguilarjimenez opened this issue · comments

Good afternoon;

I am trying to use your files to connect AirSim and ROS in order to control and send images, but I am getting an error when doing catkin_make.

What I get after the catkin_make command is:


Could you please help me to solve it?

Thanks a lot.

Best regards.

Export the path of the g++ AirSim directory as an environment variable AIRSIM_PATH before building the project (i.e before doing catkin_make).

export AIRSIM_PATH=~/your_work_directory/AirSim/

Good morning again,

Firstly, thanks for your quick answer.

I am doing it as you mentioned on your message (you can see it below), but it does not work.


It seems that still the program does not fint the file:

/home/gonzalo/airsim_catkin_ws/src/publishAirsimImgs/src/myTeleop.cpp:3:48: fatal error: vehicles/car/api/CarRpcLibClient.hpp: No existe el archivo o el directorio

But the file exists because I know where it is and also I exported the path ( maybe I did it wrong but I don't think so, since the path is very simple).

Also, I've seen that the file of the g++ AirSim, the vehicles/car/api/CarRpcLibClient.hpp is not really a .hpp but a .cpp, maybe is this the reason?

Any other idea?

Thanks again.

Best regards.

Good morning,
I met the problem the same with you. And I didn't work it out. So could you please help me solve it now?
Thanks a lot.
Best regards.