antonellla / omnimapper

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


OmniMapper is a modular, multimodal framework for solving SLAM problems. It provides a plugin-based architecture for easy integration of new sensors and feature types.

For more information on the design of OmniMapper, please refer to the publication: OmniMapper: A Modular Multimodal Mapping Framework.


This version of OmniMapper has been tested on Ubuntu 16.04 with ROS Kinetic.


OmniMapper depends primarily on GTSAM 4.0 and PCL. These libraries also have a variety of dependencies (many of which you may already have installed).

Install Cmake, Boost, Git (used by all libraries):

sudo apt-get install cmake libboost-all-dev git

Install PCL dependencies (FLANN and VTK):

sudo apt-get install libflann-dev libvtk6-dev

Install Intel Thread Building Blocks (TBB) and GSL (used by GTSAM and OmniMapper):

sudo apt-get install libtbb-dev libgsl-dev

Install Google Perf Tools (used by OmniMapper):

sudo apt-get install libgoogle-perftools-dev

Install GTSAM 4.0

Clone the GTSAM repository from BitBucket and checkout the most recently tested commit:

git clone
cd gtsam
git checkout 6f8bfe0

Compile GTSAM and install:

mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make -j`nproc`
sudo make install

Install PCL

Install PCL 1.7.2 from Github:

git clone
git checkout tags/pcl-1.7.2 -b 1.7.2
mkdir build && cd build

We need to build PCL against the Eigen library included in GTSAM as it includes custom patches. Modify the path below to your cloned GTSAM repo:

cmake -DEIGEN_INCLUDE_DIR="/path/to/gtsam-4.0/gtsam/3rdparty/Eigen" ..
make -j`nproc`
sudo make install

Install OmniMapper

Get the most recent version of OmniMapper from Github:

git clone

From the omnimapper directory, compile OmniMapper and install:

mkdir build && cd build

As with PCL, we need to build against the Eigen library included in GTSAM as it includes custom patches. Modify the path below to your cloned GTSAM repo:

cmake -DEIGEN_INCLUDE_DIRS="/path/to/gtsam-4.0/gtsam/3rdparty/Eigen" ..
make -j`nproc`
sudo make install

Install ROS and OmniMapper ROS

If you don't already have ROS installed on your system, follow the instructions for installing ROS Kinetic here.

Also install the following packages for PCL and OpenNI-compliant RGB-D sensors:

sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-perception-pcl ros-kinetic-openni-launch

Now, clone the omnimapper_ros repository into your ROS workspace:


Clone the most recent version of CSM (Canonical Scan Matcher) from Github into your ROS workspace:

git clone

We must tell omnimapper_ros where to find CSM. We have provided some config files in the omnimapper_ros repository to make this easier.

From omnimapper_ros/csm_config, copy the cmake folder into the root folder of the csm package.

Next, copy the local-csm-config.cmake file from omnimapper_ros/csm_config into csm/local_config. Rename this file to local-your-computer's-hostname.cmake (find your hostname by running hostname at the command prompt).

Now, from the CSM directory, run the script.

If this is successful, CSM has now been compiled and installed to csm/deploy.

Install OmniMapper ROS Package

Copy the csm directory from omnimapper_ros/csm_config into csm/deploy/lib/.

Also, copy the file from csm/deploy/lib, to /usr/local/lib.

Now, edit the CMakeLists.txt for omnimapper_ros. Find the line where CSM_DIR is set and change the path to where your CSM is installed, e.g. /path/to/csm/deploy/lib/csm. This tells catkin where to find the cmake config file for CSM.

These steps should allow omnimapper_ros to compile with no issues. (Yes, this is annoying and hacky, and hopefully will be updated to a better installation process sometime in the future.)

Now, from the root of your ROS workspace, run:


You should now be ready to run OmniMapper. See the next section for instructions.

Running Omnimapper

Further documentation available at:




Language:C++ 92.5%Language:Dockerfile 2.8%Language:CMake 2.6%Language:Shell 1.6%Language:Makefile 0.6%