annkamsk / motif-analysis

Simple bioinf pipeline incl. related sequences search, identifying regulatory regions and motifs, and enrichment analysis.

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Task for Introduction to Computational Biology at MIM UW (

data/protein_fragments.fa contains protein fragments from 2 tested groups: A and B. We speculate (based on the empirical evidence), that these groups of genes should have different regulatory mechanisms.

The script performs a series of 3 tasks:

  1. Identifies the closest related protein-coding sequences in the E. coli genome for each of the input protein sequences from data/protein_fragments.fa. The result is a csv file task1.csv containing: input sequence id, best matching E. coli gene id and the associated e-value.

E. coli protein-coding sequences are read from: data/genes_e_coli.fa.

  1. For each of the identified E. coli genes, finds the associated promoter DNA sequence. Motif analysis is done with MEME-suite.

The result is two sets of motif position-specific matrices in a .pfm format.

E. coli promoter sequences are read from: data/proms_e_coli.fa.

  1. Given the two sets of motifs, selects only the motifs specific to group A or group B by obtaining a number of positions in these promoter sequences that have a log-odds score higher than 0 and using the binomial test.

The result is a csv file task3.csv containing motifs, their associated number of hits in the promoters from group A, and promoters from group B and the associated p-values for enrichment in group A and group B.


First, download NCBI BLAST+ suite. The code will run the following command for creating a local BLAST db with this command:

makeblastdb -in data/protein_e_coli.fa -parse_seqids -blastdb_version 5 -taxid 1 -title "ecoli" -dbtype prot

where data/protein_e_coli.fa will contain proteins obtained by translation of data/genes_e_coli.fa.

Install dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Then run the script with:


where PATH_TO_BLAST is a path to NCBI BLAST+ suite.


Simple bioinf pipeline incl. related sequences search, identifying regulatory regions and motifs, and enrichment analysis.


Language:Python 100.0%