anitachengalva / note-taker

Note taking application used to write and save notes by writing and retrieving data from a JSON file. Express.js is utilized to develop the back-end code.

Home Page:

Repository from Github https://github.comanitachengalva/note-takerRepository from Github https://github.comanitachengalva/note-taker

Note Taker


This application is used to write and save notes by writing and retrieving data from a JSON file. Express.js is utilized to develop the back-end code.

Deployed Link

This application is deployed through Heroku.

Table of Contents

User Story

AS A small business owner  
I WANT to be able to write and save notes  
SO THAT I can organize my thoughts and keep track of tasks I need to complete

Installation and Usage

In order to run this application, you will want to git clone this repository so that the code is on your local machine. Run npm i while in the root directory in order to install all necessary Node.js dependencies. Then run npm start to launch the server.

This application is hosted at Port 3001, so typing: http://localhost:3001/ into the address bar of your browser (while the server is running) should display the user interface.

Alternatively, you can simply visit my Deployed Link.

Once in the application, hit the "Get Started" button to open up the Note Taker. The left-hand column contains existing notes while the right-hand column contains an empty field for a new note. Once a new note is entered, a save icon appears. Clicking the save icon places the newly created note in the left-hand column alongside the other existing notes.

Users may view previous notes in the left-side column by clicking on them. Users may also navigate back to create a new note by clicking on the "Write" icon at the top of the page.

Technologies Utilized





Screenshots and Walkthrough

Test-Note Creating a new note
Hitting the "Save" icon in the top right will save your newly made note into your list on the left-hand side.


Thank you for checking out my project! If you would like to see more of my work, please take a peek at my GitHub and portfolio.

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This project is licensed under the MIT License       License: MIT

Please click on the green MIT License Shield above to learn more about what the limitations of this license are.


Note taking application used to write and save notes by writing and retrieving data from a JSON file. Express.js is utilized to develop the back-end code.


Language:JavaScript 69.5%Language:HTML 20.8%Language:CSS 9.8%