andreas-wilm / awesome-bionimformatics

Awesome list of Nim libraries used for Bioinformatics

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This is an attempt of an awesome list for Nim for Bioinformatics

Library Description Comment Tools using this library
SciNim/bio (docs) A library to work with biological sequences Part of SciNim
SciNim/bionim A collection of useful algorithms and data structures for bioinformatics Part of SciNim (forked from Unaimend/bionim)
Unaimend/biotools functions and command-line utilities for working with biological data
brentp/d4-nim nim-lang wrapper for the d4-format
brentp/hts-nim (docs) nim wrapper for htslib for parsing genomics data files
brentp/nim-kmer DNA kmer operations for nim
kerrycobb/PhylogeNi (docs) A Nim library for phylogenetic trees
kerrycobb/BioSeq (docs) Nim package for working with biological sequence data such as DNA, RNA, and amino acids.
bio-nim/nim-kmers Library for bioinformatics (kmers, etc.) written in Nim
bio-nim/nim-edlib Nim wrapper for edlib See also sstadick/nimedlib
jhbadger/nimbioseq Nim Library for sequence (protein/nucleotide) bioinformatics
telatin/seqfu2 Provides short and useful functions and command-line utilities for working with biological data
bpr/bio Bioinformatics library for Nim Static since 8 years. No docs
mjendrusch/nimna DNA/RNA folding in Nim (bindings to ViennaRNA) Static since 6 years
sstadick/nimedlib Nim wrapper for the Edlib library See also bio-nim/nim-edlib
andreas-wilm/nim-gmlparser Experimental code for parsing GML files with Nim Wraps around the original GML C library from the Faculty of Computer Science and Mathematics of the University of Passau
andreas-wilm/nimreadfq A wrapper to Heng Li's kseq/readfq, an efficient FastQ/Fasta parser Superseded by Heng Li's own implementation


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Awesome list of Nim libraries used for Bioinformatics