amundmr / config

My terminal setup

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

My Neovim configuration

Welcome to my neovim configuration. This repo serves as a reminder for myself on how I set up my neovim config, as well as to have a single source of truth when I use neovim across OS'es and computers (I occationally change between three computers with Win10, Win11, Ubuntu and Chrome OS Flex).


My plugin manager is Packer. Its config resides in /lua/plugins.lua and is loaded by init.vim: lua require('plugins').

TODO: write notes about LSP, and set up autocompletion

Key bindings

Key combination Action
Ctrl + t Toggle Nerd Tree file browser
F8 Toggle Tagbar

Ubuntu terminal setup

Shell used: ZSH with oh-my-zsh Also installed Powerlevel10k theme and went through the setup guide to configure it to my liking Font: Nerdfont Hack (Hack NF) Installed exa with alias ls='exa -l --icons' in my .zshrc`

Symbolic links

Symlinks are established to easen changing dirs and executing tasks in remote dirs. The following symlinks are established:

	ln -s /mnt/c/Users/amund/Documents /mydocs
	ln -s '/mnt/g/My Drive' /mydrive
	ln -s '/mnt/g/Shared drives/Evyon Shared/01. Products & R&D/03 Project Eir' /edrive


My terminal setup


Language:Shell 88.7%Language:Lua 8.3%Language:Vim Script 3.0%