There are 2 repositories under windowsterminal topic.
One Dark Color Scheme for Windows Terminal inspired by Atom's One Dark and One Light theme.
A collection of some nifty WSL-related utilities
:computer: A set of PowerShell commands for managing and using the Windows Terminal application.
a collection of windows configuration files (powershell profile customization, nvim, nano, scoop, tools)
Windows Terminal Guide
适用于WindowsTerminal的串口终端 支持端口探测 trzsz lrzsz hex 数据转发 日志记录 编码变换
Windows Terminal configuration with WLS, Zsh and Tmux
Fine tuning Windows Terminal
Windows Terminal RightClick setup English\Spanish.
⬛ Windows Terminal + 🐧 WSL2 + zsh + Powerlevel10K
Monokai Color Scheme for Windows Terminal.
VS Code theme for Windows Terminal
📃 This is a simple script to add right click context menu for your best Windows terminal ❤
A powerful, portable library for VBScript & JScript to control Windows Terminal. Include color output, cursor control, and so on.
Material Color Schemes for Windows Terminal inspired by carloscuesta/materialshell.
My powershell configuration and customisation
My Windows Terminal setup using Oh-My-Posh, PowerShellGet, PSReadLine, Terminal Icons and a custom Settings.json file.
the theme for Windows Terminal.
Run get_iplayer_web_pvr in a Windows Terminal tab
A quick and easy way to pop open a Command tab from a Powershell tab with the same location
The newest Windows Terminal is a huge advancement from the Windows Console Host, and keeps supporting more and more features
This repo contains the configuration files I use to customise my windows terminal and other prompts/shells so as to get a unified experience across all of them.
Script to add Windows Terminal to the right-click context menu in Windows 10/11
These files are my personal customization files that I use for my Windows and/or Linux desktop experience.
Make Windows Terminal look amazing!
newtab.cmd calls the CUI-application in the other tab of WindowsTerminal
Scripts for syncing Windows Terminal settings via OneDrive
Example of how to set up Windows terminal with Oh My Posh