alechill / react-native-css-modules-with-typescript-example

A simple example app that shows how you can use CSS modules + Typescript with React Native and React (for browser)

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React Native + CSS modules + Typescript

Platform - Android, iOS and Web contributions welcome

A simple example app that shows how you can use CSS modules + Typescript with React Native and React (for browser).

Have a look at the src folder to see code examples.

Quick links: Features β€’ Screenshots β€’ Try it β€’ Documentation

Example App features

React Native and Web

React Native specific

Web specific

Supported Browsers

  • Mobile: Android Stock browser (4.4-5.x), Android Chrome, iOS Safari 8+
  • Desktop: Firefox, Chrome, Safari

Try it

Step 1: Install depencies to run React Native

Make sure that you have react-native-cli installed (npm install -g react-native-cli) and XCode (for iOS development) / Android Studio (for Android development) installed and working.

Step 2: Clone the repo and move to project

git clone
cd react-native-css-modules-with-typescript-example

Step 3: Install example app's dependencies

NodeJS packages:

yarn install

and CocoaPods for iOS:

cd ios && pod install

Step 4: Run React Native packager

You can open a new terminal tab to run React Native's packager.

yarn start

Step 5: Run app on Android, iOS or Web

First make sure that your Android emulator or iOS simulator is working, then:

yarn ios


yarn android


yarn web

Web app can be accessed by opening http://localhost:8080 in a browser.


iOS - Android - Web


A simple example app that shows how you can use CSS modules + Typescript with React Native and React (for browser)


Language:JavaScript 25.2%Language:TypeScript 19.1%Language:Java 18.8%Language:Objective-C 13.4%Language:CSS 12.8%Language:SCSS 4.4%Language:Ruby 2.5%Language:Starlark 1.8%Language:EJS 1.4%Language:C 0.6%