akshitj1 / ubuntu_cmds

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My ubuntu cheatsheet


Function Shortcut
delete word ctrl+w
window resize super+left/right/up/down
clear terminal ctrl+l

Change key binding for macbook pro

  1. Make sure keyboard layout is correctly set dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration and then restart.
  2. swap super and ctrl keys ref create file ~/.Xmodmap with contents
remove control = Control_L
remove mod4 = Super_L Super_R
keysym Control_L = Super_L
keysym Super_L = Control_L
keysym Super_R = Control_L
add control = Control_L Control_R
add mod4 = Super_L Super_R

and then run xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap

Brightness bug fix

add this to touch /etc/rc.local && chmod +x /etc/rc.local (init script)

#!/bin/sh -e
# brightness bug fix
setpci -v -H1 -s 00:01.00 BRIDGE_CONTROL=0

exit 0

To manually start without restart:
systemctl start/status rc-local.service

Ubuntu Overheating fix (didn't worked)

disable intel_pstate ref

check no longer intel_pstate after restart
cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/scaling_driver

blue light filter(flux like)

install redshift apt-get install redshift. add config ~/.config/redshift.conf from doc with values




Language:Shell 100.0%