akavasis / VLR

GPU Monte Carlo Ray Tracing Renderer using NVIDIA OptiX 7

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


IBL image: sIBL Archive

VLRはNVIDIA OptiX 7を使用したGPUモンテカルロレイトレーシングレンダラーです。
VLR is a GPU Monte Carlo ray tracing renderer using NVIDIA OptiX 7.

特徴 / Features

  • GPU Renderer using NVIDIA OptiX 7
  • Full Spectral Rendering (Monte Carlo Spectral Sampling)
    (For RGB resources, RGB->Spectrum conversion is performed using Meng-Simon's method [Meng2015])
  • RGB Rendering (built by default)
  • BSDFs
    • Ideal Diffuse (Lambert) BRDF
    • Ideal Specular BRDF/BSDF
    • Microfacet (GGX) BRDF/BSDF
    • Fresnel-blended Lambertian BSDF
    • UE4- or Frostbite-like BRDF [Karis2013, Lagarde2014]
      Parameters can be specified using UE4 style (base color, roughness/metallic) or old style (diffuse, specular, glossiness).
    • Mixed BSDF
  • Shader Node System
  • Bump Mapping (Normal Map / Height Map)
  • Alpha Texture
  • Light Source Types
    • Area (Polygonal) Light
    • Point Light
    • Image Based Environmental Light
  • Camera Types
    • Perspective Camera with Depth of Field (thin-lens model)
    • Environment (Equirectangular) Camera
  • Geometry Instancing
  • Light Transport Algorithms
    • Path Tracing [Kajiya1986] with MIS
    • Light Tracing
    • Light Vertex Cache Bidirectional Path Tracing (LVC-BPT) [Davidovič2014]
  • Correct handling of non-symmetric scattering due to shading normals [Veach1997]

構成要素 / Components

  • libVLR - Renderer Library based on OptiX
    Exposes C API.
  • vlrcpp.h - Single file wrapper for C++
    Automatically manages lifetime of objects via std::shared_ptr.
  • HostProgram - A program to demonstrate how to use VLR


Code Example using VLRCpp (C++ wrapper)

using namespace vlr;

ContextRef context = Context::create(cuContext, enableLogging, maxCallableDepth);

// Construct a scene by defining meshes and materials.

SceneRef scene = context->createScene();

TriangleMeshSurfaceNodeRef mesh = context->createTriangleMeshSurfaceNode("My Mesh 1");
    Vertex vertices[] = {
        Vertex{ Point3D(-1.5f,  0.0f, -1.5f), Normal3D(0,  1, 0), Vector3D(1,  0,  0), TexCoord2D(0.0f, 5.0f) },
        // ...
    // ...
    mesh->setVertices(vertices, lengthof(vertices));

        Image2DRef imgAlbedo = loadImage2D(context, "checkerboard.png", "Reflectance", "Rec709(D65) sRGB Gamma");
        Image2DRef imgNormalAlpha = loadImage2D(context, "normal_alpha.png", "NA", "Rec709(D65)");

        ShaderNodeRef nodeAlbedo = context->createShaderNode("Image2DTexture");
        nodeAlbedo->set("image", imgAlbedo);
        nodeAlbedo->set("min filter", "Nearest");
        nodeAlbedo->set("mag filter", "Nearest");

        ShaderNodeRef nodeNormalAlpha = context->createShaderNode("Image2DTexture");
        nodeNormalAlpha->set("image", imgNormalAlpha);

        // You can flexibly define a material by connecting shader nodes.
        SurfaceMaterialRef mat = context->createSurfaceMaterial("Matte");
        mat->set("albedo", nodeAlbedo->getPlug(VLRShaderNodePlugType_Spectrum, 0));

        ShaderNodeRef nodeTangent = context->createShaderNode("Tangent");
        nodeTangent->set("tangent type", "Radial Y");

        uint32_t matGroup[] = { 0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3 };
        mesh->addMaterialGroup(matGroup, lengthof(matGroup), mat, 
                               nodeNormalAlpha->getPlug(VLRShaderNodePlugType_Normal3D, 0), // normal map
                               nodeTangent->getPlug(VLRShaderNodePlugType_Vector3D, 0), // tangent
                               nodeNormalAlpha->getPlug(VLRShaderNodePlugType_Alpha, 0)); // alpha map

    // ...

// You can construct a scene graph with transforms
InternalNodeRef transformNode = context->createInternalNode("trf A");

// Setup a camera
CameraRef camera = context->createCamera("Perspective");
camera->set("position", Point3D(0, 1.5f, 6.0f));
camera->set("aspect", (float)renderTargetSizeX / renderTargetSizeY);
camera->set("sensitivity", 1.0f);
camera->set("fovy", 40 * M_PI / 180);
camera->set("lens radius", 0.0f);

// Setup the output buffer (OpenGL buffer can also be attached)
context->bindOutputBuffer(1024, 1024, 0);

// Let's render the scene!
context->render(cuStream, camera, enableDenoiser, 1, firstFrame, &numAccumFrames);


  • Make the rendering properly asynchronous.
  • Python Binding
  • Simple Scene Editor
  • Compile shader node at runtime using NVRTC to remove overhead of callable programs.

動作環境 / Confirmed Environment

I've confirmed that the program runs correctly on the following environment.

  • Windows 10 (21H2) & Visual Studio 2019 (16.11.8)
  • Core i9-9900K, 32GB, RTX 3080 10GB
  • NVIDIA Driver 497.09

It requires the following libraries.

  • libVLR
    • CUDA 11.3
      ※CUDA 11.3.0にはバグがあり、内部で使用しているOptiX Utilityと一緒に使用することができません。Update 1以降が必要です。
      * CUDA 11.3.0 has a bug which prevents to use it with OptiX Utility internally used. You need to use Update 1 or later.
    • OptiX 7.4.0 (requires Maxwell or later generation NVIDIA GPU)
  • Host Program
    • OpenEXR 3.1
    • assimp 5.0

注意 / Note

There are some scene files loading model data and textures, but those assets are NOT included in this repository.

参考文献 / References

[Davidovič2014] "Progressive Light Transport Simulation on the GPU: Survey and Improvements"
[Karis2013] "Real Shading in Unreal Engine 4"
[Lagarde2014] "Moving Frostbite to Physically Based Rendering 3.0"
[Meng2015] "Physically Meaningful Rendering using Tristimulus Colours"

ギャラリー / Gallery

A variant of the famous Cornell box scene. The left box has anisotropic BRDF with circular tangents along its local Y axis (roughness is smoother along tangent, rougher along bitangent).

An object with UE4- or Frostbite 3.0-like BRDF (Textures are exported from Substance Painter) illuminated by an area light and an environmental light.

Model: Substance Painter
IBL image: sIBL Archive

Caustics generated from Stanford bunny model illuminated by directional area light.
The renderer uses spectral rendering for this.

Model: Stanford Bunny

Rungholt model illuminated by outdoor environment light.

Model: Rungholt from Morgan McGuire's Computer Graphics Archive
IBL image 1: Direct HDR Capture of the Sun and Sky
IBL image 2: sIBL Archive

2021 @Shocker_0x15


GPU Monte Carlo Ray Tracing Renderer using NVIDIA OptiX 7


Language:C++ 66.7%Language:C 28.8%Language:Cuda 4.2%Language:Objective-C 0.2%Language:CMake 0.1%Language:GLSL 0.0%