akashsengupta1997 / STRAPS-3DHumanShapePose

Code repository for the paper: Synthetic Training for Accurate 3D Human Pose and Shape Estimation in the Wild (BMVC 2020)

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# STRAPS - Synthetic Training for Real Accurate Pose and Shape

Code repository for the paper:  
**Synthetic Training for Accurate 3D Human Pose and Shape Estimation in the Wild**  
[Akash Sengupta](https://akashsengupta1997.github.io), [Ignas Budvytis](http://mi.eng.cam.ac.uk/~ib255/), [Roberto Cipolla](https://mi.eng.cam.ac.uk/~cipolla/)  
BMVC 2020  
[[paper](https://www.bmvc2020-conference.com/assets/papers/0081.pdf)][[supplementary](https://www.bmvc2020-conference.com/assets/supp/0081_supp.pdf)][[SSP-3D dataset](https://github.com/akashsengupta1997/SSP-3D)]  

**Update**: Check out [Hierarchical Probabilistic 3D Humans](https://github.com/akashsengupta1997/HierarchicalProbabilistic3DHuman) for a better synthetic training framework for human pose and shape estimation from images.


## Installation

### Requirements
- Linux or macOS
- Python ≥ 3.6

### Instructions
We recommend using a virtual environment to install relevant dependencies:
python3 -m venv STRAPS
source STRAPS/bin/activate
After creating a virtual environment, first install torch and torchvision: `pip install torch==1.4.0 torchvision==0.5.0`

Then install (my fork of) detectron2 and its dependencies (cython and pycocotools):
pip install cython
pip install 'git+https://github.com/cocodataset/cocoapi.git#subdirectory=PythonAPI'
pip install 'git+https://github.com/akashsengupta1997/detectron2.git'

The remaining dependencies can be installed by simply running: `pip install -r requirements.txt`. This will be sufficient for inference. If you wish run model training, you will require the PyTorch port of Neural Mesh Renderer: `pip install neural_renderer_pytorch==1.1.3`.

### Additional files
You will need to download the SMPL model. The [neutral model](http://smplify.is.tue.mpg.de) is required for training and running the demo code. If you want to evaluate the model on datasets with gendered SMPL labels (such as 3DPW and SSP-3D), the male and female models are available [here](http://smpl.is.tue.mpg.de). You will need to convert the SMPL model files to be compatible with python3 by removing any chumpy objects. To do so, please follow the instructions [here](https://github.com/vchoutas/smplx/tree/master/tools).

Download the required additional files [here](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1phJix1Fp-AbJgoLImb19eXCWEK7ZnAp_?usp=sharing). Place both the SMPL model and the additional files in the `additional` directory such that they have the following structure and filenames:

    ├── additional                                # Folder with additional files
    │   ├── smpl
    │       ├── SMPL_NEUTRAL.pkl                  # Gender-neutral SMPL model 
    │   ├── cocoplus_regressor.npy                # Cocoplus joints regressor
    │   ├── J_regressor_h36m.npy                  # Human3.6M joints regressor
    │   ├── J_regressor_extra.npy                 # Extra joints regressor
    │   ├── neutral_smpl_mean_params_6dpose.npz   # Mean gender-neutral SMPL parameters
    │   ├── smpl_faces.npy                        # SMPL mesh faces
    │   ├── cube_parts.npy
    │   └── vertex_texture.npy                    
    └── ...

### Model checkpoints
Download pre-trained model checkpoints for our SMPL regressor, as well as for PointRend and DensePose (via detectron2) from [here](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1QX5NBR6GgmfP206bMHN9ZgK8_1QEKSdg?usp=sharing). Place these files in the `checkpoints` directory.

### Training data
If you wish to train using the STRAPS framework, we provide pre-processed npz files with training and validation pose parameters [here](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1CLOqQBrTos7vhohjFcU2OFkNYmyvQf6t?usp=sharing). Place these files in the `data` directory. Note that the model described in the STRAPS paper was trained on SMPL poses from Human3.6M (obtained using MoSh). We cannot distribute these due to license limitations. However, we have prepared npz files with SMPL poses from the AMASS dataset to replace H3.6M, which should provide similar performance.

## Inference
`run_predict.py` is used to run inference on a given folder of input images. For example, to run inference on the demo folder, do:
python run_predict.py --input ./demo --checkpoint checkpoints/straps_model_checkpoint.tar --silh_from pointrend
You can choose between using `--silh_from pointrend` and `--silh_from densepose`  to obtain human silhouettes. PointRend provides more accurate silhouettes for easy body poses but DensePose is more robust to challenging body poses. Best results are achieved when the image is roughly cropped and centred around the subject person.

To test STRAPS against a wide range of body shapes, we recommend checking out the [SSP-3D dataset](https://github.com/akashsengupta1997/SSP-3D).

If you are running inference on a remote machine, you might run into problems getting `pyrender` to run off-screen/headless rendering. If you have EGL installed, uncommenting the appropriate line in `run_predict.py` might work. If not, simply disable pyrender rendering during inference.

## Training
The training options within the `run_train.py` file can be edited as desired. Since STRAPS does not require image data, the only training data you are required to download are the pre-processed npz files (above). Then, simply do `python run_train.py`.

## Citations

If you find this code useful in your research, please cite the following publication:
               author = {Sengupta, Akash and Budvytis, Ignas and Cipolla, Roberto},
               title = {Synthetic Training for Accurate 3D Human Pose and Shape Estimation in the Wild},
               booktitle = {British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC)},
               month = {September},
               year = {2020}                         

## Acknowledgments
Code was adapted from/influenced by the following repos - thanks to the authors!

- [HMR](https://github.com/akanazawa/hmr)
- [SPIN](https://github.com/nkolot/SPIN)
- [VIBE](https://github.com/mkocabas/VIBE)
- [detectron2](https://github.com/facebookresearch/detectron2)
- [NMR PyTorch](https://github.com/daniilidis-group/neural_renderer)


Code repository for the paper: Synthetic Training for Accurate 3D Human Pose and Shape Estimation in the Wild (BMVC 2020)

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%