ajthor / rpiomega-bootstrap

Raspberry Pi Omega Bootstrap

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Raspberry Pi Omega Ansible Bootstrap Playbook


Run the following command to bootstrap a node in the cluster. The following variables must be defined by you in the --extra-vars argument on the command line:

  • ip_address: the static IP address you wish to assign to the node.
  • hostname: the hostname you want the node to be identified by.
  • type:
    • master: set the current node up as the master node.
    • node: set the current node up as just another node in the cluster.

Before running the bootstrap script, copy the SSH key from the local machine over to the target machine using a tool such as ssh-copy-id.

ssh-copy-id pi@< target's current IP address >

To set up the master node:

ansible-playbook site.yml -i "< current IP address >," --extra-vars "ip_address=< target static IP address> hostname=rpiomega-master type=master"

Make sure to add --check --diff to see changes before you commit them.

To set up the minion nodes:

ansible-playbook site.yml -i "< current IP address >," --extra-vars "ip_address=< target static IP address> hostname=rpiomega-node-1 type=node"

What is Raspberry Pi Omega?

In set notation, Omega is the greek letter used to represent the Universal Set, and is also used to represent the first number after infinity. Raspberry Pi Omega is a cluster computing platform using the credit-card sized SBC, Raspberry Pi. It is designed as an educational and personal tool for software development, and is designed to work as a set, hence the name.

Raspberry Pi Omega is developed as a platform for performing development and computing tasks on a self-hosted cluster of Raspberry Pi's. It is designed to be an inexpensive, educational entry-point into cluster computing, utilizing technologies such as Configuration Management, Container-Based Virtualization, and Continuous Integration.

Though the system can run with a single node, it is better to use at least 3 nodes With enough Raspberry Pi's, the system can become quite powerful.

See more in the rpiomega repository.


Raspberry Pi Omega Bootstrap