airballking / saphari_final_review

Configurations, launch files, and source code for the final SAPHARI review.

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Configurations, launch files, and source code for the final SAPHARI review.


This installation was tested for Ubuntu 14.04 with ROS Indigo.

Please install MongoDB and the C++ client for MongoDB following these external instructions:

To speed-up development, you will need three workspaces which overlay sequently: First, there is a catkin workspace for knowrob, then comes another catkin workspace for all other catkin packages, and finally there is a rosbuild workspace for the dlr_action_bridge. For convenience, we have created several rosinstall files.

First, create the workspaces in the above described order:

  • cd && mkdir -p ros/saphari_knowrob/src && mkdir -p ros/saphari_catkin/src && mkdir ros/saphari_rosbuild
  • cd ~/ros/saphari_knowrob/src && wstool init
  • cd ~/ros/saphari_knowrob && source /opt/ros/indigo/setup.bash && catkin_make
  • cd ~/ros/saphari_catkin/src && wstool init
  • cd ~/ros/saphari_catkin && source ~/ros/saphari_knowrob/devel/setup.bash && catkin_make
  • cd ~/ros/saphari_rosbuild && wstool init
  • echo source ~/ros/saphari_catkin/devel/setup.bash >> ~/.bashrc
  • echo export ROS_PACKAGE_PATH=~/ros/saphari_rosbuild:${ROS_PACKAGE_PATH} >> ~/.bashrc
  • source ~/.bashrc

Then, initialize and build the knowrob workspace:

  • cd ~/ros/saphari_knowrob/src
  • wstool merge
  • wstool update
  • rosdep install --ignore-src --from-paths stacks/
  • cd ~/ros/saphari_knowrob && catkin_make

Afterwards, init and build the remaining catkin packages in the 2nd overlay. Unfortunately, you will need several of 'em precious CATKIN_IGNORE to make your everything compile:

  • cd ~/ros/saphari_catkin/src
  • wstool merge
  • wstool update
  • TODO: add correct rosdep rule!
  • roscd iai_boxy_hw && touch CATKIN_IGNORE
  • roscd robosherlock_process_module && touch CATKIN_IGNORE
  • cd ~/ros/saphari_catkin && catkin_make

Finally, checkout and build the dlr_action_bridge in the rosbuild workspace:

  • cd ~/ros/saphari_rosbuild
  • wstool merge
  • wstool update
  • rosmake dlr_action_bridge

To conclude the setup, your user needs the rights to write to shared memory and set high real-time priorities. Using sudo, add the following lines to the file /etc/security/limits.conf:

  • YOUR-USER - rtprio 99
  • YOUR-USER - memlock 250000



Start the simulated environment:

  • roslaunch saphari_robot_bringup robot_sim.launch



To play with the urdf of the robot in rviz launch:

  • roslaunch saphari_robot_description display.launch


Start the simulation:

  • roslaunch saphari_robot_bringup robot_sim.launch

Use beastypy to verify that we can move the arm around:

  • roscd dlr_beastypy_examples
  • ./src/
  • >>> start_on_table(beasty)

Use the command-line tools to check that we can command the gripper:

  • rostopic pub -r 10 /gripper/position_goal iai_wsg_50_msgs/PositionCmd '{pos: 90, speed: 20.0, force: 10.0}'
  • rostopic pub -r 10 /gripper/position_goal iai_wsg_50_msgs/PositionCmd '{pos: 10, speed: 20.0, force: 10.0}'


Configurations, launch files, and source code for the final SAPHARI review.


Language:Common Lisp 51.3%Language:C++ 44.5%Language:CMake 4.1%Language:Shell 0.1%Language:Makefile 0.0%