aherbert / omero-archiving

Uses the OMERO python API to tag images for archiving and move underlying image files to an archive

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OMERO Archiving

Provides tools for archiving images from OMERO.

The tools provided here are a proof-of-concept archiving process. They are provided for free in the event that someone may find them useful. The archiving process is still in a development phase and has not been tested in a production environment. The process may not be scalable and has missing features such as a robust unarchiving process. This is due to the fact that the archiving solution used by the prototype has an automatic file retrieval process that is triggered by a file access event. If the file is not available locally it is restored. Thus tools for unarchiving are unecessary.

A simpler solution to archiving data from OMERO is to expand the OMERO storage capacity. This removes the requirement to free space in the OMERO file system.

An alternative to archiving from OMERO is to use the OMERO 5 in-place import feature. This allows OMERO to serve image files but not managed their image data. The data can be managed by any suitable archiving system.

License: 0BSD

Table of contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Archiving images from OMERO to Arkivum
  3. Archiving images from OMERO to file
  4. Archiving Details
  5. OMERO import formats
  6. Archiving workflow
  7. OMERO archiving scripts
  8. Archiving scripts
  9. Email notifications
  10. Archive register
  11. Installation


OMERO is used to store and manage microscope images. Images are imported, metadata extracted from the images and thumbnails generated. The images can be browsed using OMERO clients and the metadata viewed. The image can be opened and the image pixels viewed.

Archiving is used when instant access to the pixel data is no longer required. In this case valuable storage space can be regained by extracting the image data from OMERO and moving it to a low cost storage medium for long term archiving.

OMERO provides storage of image pixel data and associated meta-data as separate physical entities, by storing meta- data in cache files and a database. This can be exploited to allow images to be safely archived from OMERO to a remote data archiving system. The OMERO image browsing features using the image metadata remain functional. Attempts to access the pixel data will safely fail; if the pixel data cannot be found then OMERO will wait and the request can be cancelled.

This archiving strategy applies to files physically managed by OMERO, that is they have been copied into the OMERO file repository. OMERO version 5 introduced in-place import where files can be imported without being copied into the OMERO managed file repository. This process creates symbolic links from the OMERO managed file repository to the file location. The archiving stratgey is a reverse of the in-place import. The managed files are moved out of the managed repository and symbolic links created from the original location to the archive location. If the archive location has low or zero availability the behaviour of OMERO is identical to the file being missing; it will wait. If the archive location has high availablity then OMERO will function as if the file is in the managed repository. This can be exploited to unarchive images by returning files to the archive location.

Archiving images from OMERO to Arkivum

Arkivum provides a digital data asset archiving solution. An installation consists of a local file store that contains a virtual file system. Files can be copied into the file store and these are then ingested by the system and archived. The archive status of files can be queried using a REST API. The archive process involves exporting data to remote data centres and back-up to tape via an Escrow provider. The data may then be deleted locally when safely archived. The REST API may be used to query the status of the archived file. A request for archived data involves attempting to access the file. If it is not available locally a process of replication begins that will restore the file.

Archiving from OMERO to Arkivum involves a two step process:

  1. Mark images for archiving
  2. Identify image files and move them to Arkivum

Images are tagged for archiving using a custom OMERO script run within the client. The OMERO permissions model allows a user to tag another user's images if the group is read-write or read-annotate. This is not allowed for a read-only or private group. At this permission level admin users or group owners may view other user's images but not annotate them. Note that if a group's permissions are lowered to private or read-only then tagging across users is not allowed and any existing cross-user tags are removed. For this reason long-term archiving tags should be applied by the image owner; these will not be removed if group permissions are modified. The OMERO group viewing permissions are respected to control archive requests. A user may tag their own images. An admin user or group owner is allowed to tag other user's images. This is done by using a sudo connection to switch to the image owner to apply the tag.

Warning: Archiving tags may be removed by certain actions within the OMERO system. An example is to move an image from one group to another group. It is recommended to move images to an appropriately organised storage structure (user, dataset and project) before initiating the archive process. This minimises the chance of accidentally removing the archive tag metadata from archived images.

A background automated archiving script identifies all the physical files (original files and/or pixel files) associated with a tagged image and records them in a register. The tag is then updated to indicate the image is archived. Any other images associated with the same files are also tagged, e.g. for image filesets. The files to be archived are copied to Arkivum, and when successfully ingested the original files can be deleted. A symbolic link from the original location to the mounted Arkivum appliance allows OMERO to access the image data. If the file is cached locally by Arkivum then the access of archived data is transparent. If not then a request to open the file will initiate a request for Arkivum to restore the local cache from remote data centres. The image data will become available when Arkivum completes the data replication. The time for this process is variable but can be monitored by administrators; the user must repeatedly return later and try to open the image until successful.

This process was presented at the 2016 OMERO Users Meeting: Archiving images from OMERO to Arkivum (presentation slides)

Archiving images from OMERO to file

The process of archiving to file is similar to archiving to Arkivum. The image files to be archived are identified and then copied to a file store. The copy is verified with checksums and then the original files can be deleted. Administration of the file store can then use an archiving strategy of choice, for example all data can be back-up to tape and the file store removed. Unarchiving will require the correct image files are identified and returned to the same location.

A script to perform archiving to file is provided in the tools/bin directory.

Archiving Details


The archiving process uses a file based record of all archiving activity. The process uses job files which are managed through a workflow in the /Archive/Job directory. Archiving records are stored in the /Archive/Log directory. The directory structure is as shown below:

├── Job
│   ├── Approved
│   ├── Declined
│   ├── Error
│   ├── Finished
│   ├── New
│   └── Running
├── Log
├── archive_register
└── to_archive_register

The following table describes locations important for archiving.

Location Description
/OMERO The OMERO filesystem
/OMERO/Files The OMERO managed files repository (OMERO v4 original files store)
/OMERO/Pixels The OMERO managed pixels repository (OMERO v4 pixels store)
/OMERO/ManagedRepository The OMERO managed image filesets repository (OMERO v5 image store)
/OMERO/Archive The directory used by the archiving process.
/OMERO/Archive/Log The directory used by the archiving process. Mirrors the structure of the OMERO managed repository starting at /OMERO for every file that has been archived. In the directory corresponding to the archived file xxx is a xxx.ark file containing details of the corresponding archived file.
/OMERO/Archive/Job The directory used by the archiving process to process archiving jobs.
/OMERO/Archive/to_archive_register The register of all files to be archived (archiving in process).
/OMERO/Archive/archive_register The register of all files that have been archived.
OMERO_DIST OMERO server distribution
OMERO_DIST/lib/scripts OMERO scripts location

OMERO import formats

OMERO version 4 imports read image files and converted them into a universal pixel format. This was stored in the OMERO filesystem. This did not allow access to the original image files; and accuracy was fixed by the compatibility of BioFormats at image import. Optionally the original image files could also be stored allowing access to the original data but thus duplicating the storage requirements. The image pixel data is stored in /Pixels and original data in /Files.

OMERO version 5 imports create a fileset of images. These are stored using the original file format in /ManagedRepository. Accuracy of reading metadata and pixels is determined by the current runtime version of BioFormats. This allows compatibility to be improved with software updates. The original files can be extracted.

The archiving scripts can identify image files from version 4 or version 5 imports. In addition the scripts can identify all images that use the same original source files by resolving one-to-many and many-to-many relationships. This allows 1 image to be tagged for archiving, the entire set of image files archived and then all dependent images can be marked as archived.

Archiving workflow

The archiving process is run on the OMERO server as a daily task. The process uses job files which are managed through a workflow in the /Archive/Job directory.

Location Description
/New Contained new archiving jobs awaiting review.
/Approved New archiving jobs are manually put here if approved. They will transition to Running.
/Declined New archiving jobs are manually put here if declined. They will transition to Finished.
/Running Currently running archiving jobs.
/Error Archive jobs that have errored. Require manual investigation of error logs. Can be restarted by placing in Running.
/Finished Archive jobs that have finished. The jobs file will contain the archiving status.

To initiate archiving a job file has to be created and put into the New folder. Currently the only mechanism to do this is a scan of the OMERO server for any images that has been tagged with TO-ARCHIVE. These images are used to create a job file of all the images that should be archived and their corresponding files.

An example archive file is shown below:

user id = 453
omename = user123
group id = 4
owner id = 453
owner omename = user123
email = user123@host.com
created = Mon Nov 28 15:59:57 2016
status = Declined
expiry = 2026-11-28
description = testing
total bytes = 70
total size = 70 Bytes

/P1/images/__utm.gif (159118) = True
/P1/images/__utm2.gif (159119) = True

/OMERO/ManagedRepository/user123_453/2016-11/28/15-50-04.707/__utm2.gif = Declined
/OMERO/ManagedRepository/user123_453/2016-11/28/15-50-03.954/__utm.gif = Declined

The job file contains the OMERO user details, the images and their files, and the archiving status of the files. This archive job was declined and the files remain in the original location in the OMERO managed repository.

OMERO Archiving scripts

The OMERO script Archive_Images.py can be used to tag images with the TO-ARCHIVE tag. This script is usually run through the OMERO Insight client using the in-built scripts functionality. It allows a set of images or datasets to be tagged. All images in a dataset are tagged. The script also adds a tag containing notes about the archive. This is retained throughout the archiving process where as the TO-ARCHIVE tag will be transitioned through ARCHIVE-PENDING to ARCHIVED.

To allow testing without using OMERO Insight the script can be run on the command-line by passing arguments. The OMERO connection details from the library defaults can be overridden and the IDs must be specified. Optionally the datatype to tag can be specified, otherwise the default is Image.

> python3 Archive_Images.py 123 --datatype=Dataset --expiry=25 --description="Dataset superseded by 456"
Creating OMERO gateway
Connecting to OMERO ...
Processing 1 image
Applying tag: 63 ARCHIVE NOTE
Applying tag: 62 TO-ARCHIVE
New 1 : Existing 0 : Error 0

You can verify the tags have been added via the OMERO Insight client. The tags will be displayed for the image in the Key-Value Pairs table of annotations. The tags are created as map annotations in the archiving namespace. They are not created as tag annotations. This prevents the tag from being removed using the OMERO Insight client. It also prevents manually creating a TO-ARCHIVE tag in the Insight client and adding it to images.

Tags on images still in the TO-ARCHIVE state can be removed using the Clear_Archive_Tag.py script:

> python3 Clear_Archive_Tag.py 123 --datatype=Dataset
Creating OMERO gateway
Connecting to OMERO ...
Processing 1 image
Removing tag: TO-ARCHIVE
Removing tag: ARCHIVE NOTE
Removed 2 : Error 0

This script is used to prevent images marked in error for archiving from being archived. If the archiving process has started then the archiving tag will have been changed and the process cannot be stopped.

Note: If arguments are not specified then the scripts will run as an OMERO script as if called by the OMERO scripting service. This will error outside of the OMERO scripting service.

Archiving scripts

The archiving script process_archive_images.py performs the following steps:

  1. Finds all images in OMERO that are tagged for archiving, identifies their original files and prepares them for archiving. The source images for all the files are then tagged as pending. A job file is created in the New folder of the Job folder workflow. New jobs must be manually Approved or Declined. E-mails an administrator that new job file exist.
  2. Any jobs files in the Declined folder have the pending tag removed from their images and the job file is moved to Finished. E-mails the user the job has been declined.
  3. Any job files in the Approved folder have the pending tag removed from their images, the archived tag applied and the job file is moved to Running.

This process has a manual confirmation step. This prevents a user from triggering the archive process on images by mistake. It was envisioned that archiving would be a low frequency event and the manual process of approval would not be time consuming.

Processing of the Running jobs depends on the archive strategy. Typically the files will be copied somewhere outside of OMERO, and when confirmed to be safely copied the original files can be removed. The archiving result can be e-mailed to the user.

The archiving script archive_to_arkivum.py will copy files to a configured Arkivum server and confirm archiving using the Arkivum REST API. The script archive_to_file.py will copy the file to an external file system.

E-mail notifications

The archiving scripts send e-mails to the user and administrator at certain stages of the archive process. This uses the python smtplib module and sends e-mail via localhost. The library must be able to connect and send e-mail through a SMTP relay on the host machine.

The send_mail.py script can be used to test if the localhost is correctly configured to send e-mails. The script uses an unencrypted connection and assumes that the smptlib can connect using:


If the host machine requires a secure connection to the local SMTP relay when running on the host machine then the scripts will require updating in all locations that use smtplib.

Archive register

All archiving scripts use a file based data store to hold information on the files that are currently in the archiving process and those that have been archived. These are the archive resgisters located in /OMERO/Archive. This solution may not scale. The scripts access the information through an API and thus the implementation of the archive register can be changed.


  1. Copy the tagging scripts into your OMERO installation:

  2. Update your list of installed scripts by examining the list of scripts in OMERO.insight or OMERO.web, or by running the following command:

     path/to/bin/omero script list
  3. Copy the archiving scripts into a known location. This will be added to the path of the task executing the archiving scripts.

  4. Copy the library functions used by the scripts into a known location. This will be added to the python path of the task executing the archiving scripts.

  5. Update the details stored in the library script.


This includes the username, hostname and port for the connection to OMERO. This must be an admin user and the password is contained in the library file. This is not secure unless the location of the file can be protected by the permissions model of the host platform. If this is not possible an alternative solution must be implemented. The connection requires administrator permissions in order to apply tags to images and search for image files as any omero user.

From OMERO 5.4 it is possible to create restricted admin users. Some scripts may run within the permissions permitted of a restricted admin user. For example some scripts only need to read the data of any user while others require tagging images as the user (sudo permissions). This functionality has not been investigated as the system was developed before restricted administrator users were introduced.

  1. Create the directory structure used by the archiving job workflow.

     cd /path/to/OMERO
     mkdir Archive
     cd Archive && mkdir Job log
     cd Job && mkdir New Approved Declined Running Error Finished
  2. Configure the archiving control script to run the archiving process. This should set up the environment variables to add the OMERO python libraries and the archiving libraries to the python path. It should then run the archiving scripts. An example is provided as omero_to_arkivum.sh.

  3. Test the localhost can relay e-mails via a SMTP server. Use the send_mail.py script to test the system is correctly configured.

     send_mail.py user@somewhere.com
  4. Test the script by running the archiving control script. The scripts currently log message to standard output.

    The archiving scripts create a PID file to prevent two instances executing concurrently. This prevents corruption of the /Archive directory state.

    Testing can be performed by running the script manually on the server.

  5. The script can be executed in a scheduled task. On a unix based system this can be done in a cron job and the output captured:

    # Run the script to copy all tagged OMERO images to Arkivum
    # Daily processing @4:10am
    10     4  *  *  *  omero [path]/tools/bin/omero_to_arkivum.sh >> /var/omero/arkivum.log 2>&1


Uses the OMERO python API to tag images for archiving and move underlying image files to an archive



Language:Python 99.8%Language:Shell 0.2%