agileobjects / eg-automapper-readableexpressions

An example repo demonstrating using AutoMapper with ReadableExpressions

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Viewing Automapper Execution Plans with ReadableExpressions

This repo demonstrates how to use ReadableExpressions to view AutoMapper execution plans. An execution plan shows how AutoMapper will perform a mapping from a source to a destination type.

Run the console app, mouse over the populated description variable and click the magnifying glass to view AutoMapper's execution plan for the WeddingDto -> Wedding unflattening mapping. You can also see the same mapping plan in the output of this DotNetFiddle!

For a colourized, themeable view with various translation options, install the ReadableExpressions Debugger Visualizers, mouse over the populated executionPlan variable and click the magnifying glass for full technicolour!


An example repo demonstrating using AutoMapper with ReadableExpressions

License:MIT License


Language:C# 100.0%