adamnemecek / AnvilKit

AnvilKit tames Metal. Very much WIP.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


AnvilKit tames Metal. It's a collection of code that seems to come up in just about every project that everyone seems to roll themselves.


Object that wraps MTLDevice and makes it into a singleton so that you don't need to pass it around.


class GPUVariable<T> {
    var value : T { get set }

You can now do

let variable = GPUVariable<Int>(value : 1)
variable.value = 2
computeEncoder.setVariable(variable, index: 0)

float4x4 algebra

  • a collection of extensions that wrap GLKMatrix4 projection functions
extension float4x4 {
	init(eye : float3, center : float3, up: float3)


A reference object that resembles Array. Unlike Array, it has reference semantics, not value semantics. This is due to the fact that MTLBuffer itself has reference semantics and Metal application are more likely to have one shared array as opposed to many.

class GPUArray<Element>: RangeReplaceableCollection,
    CustomStringConvertible  {
    /// ...

Metal extensions

extension MTLVertexDescriptor {
	init<T>(reflecting : T)

You can initialize a new vertex descriptor by just passing in an instance of said type and MTLVertexDescriptor will figure it out. Relies on Swift.Mirror.


AnvilKit tames Metal. Very much WIP.


Language:Swift 99.5%Language:Metal 0.5%