Ziyan-Huang / AdwU-Net

[MIDL22] Adaptive depth and width U-Net. Search task-specific optimal depth and width of U-Net by DNAS method.

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AdwU-Net: Adaptive depth and Width U-Net

Built upon MIC-DKFZ/nnUNet, this repository provides the official PyTorch implementation of AdwU-Net: Adaptive Depth and Width U-Net for Medical Image Segmentation by Differentiable Neural Architecture Search.

Environments and Requirements:

1.Install nnU-Net as below. You should meet the requirements of nnUNet, our method does not need any additional requirements. For more details, please refer to https://github.com/MIC-DKFZ/nnUNet

git clone https://github.com/MIC-DKFZ/nnUNet.git
cd nnUNet
pip install -e .

2.Set environment variables for nnU-Net. Concretely, Set the paths in your .bashrc file, which is located in your home directory. Open the file and add the following lines to the bottom:

export nnUNet_raw_data_base="/data/hzy/nnUNet/nnUNet_raw"
export nnUNet_preprocessed="/data/hzy/nnUNet/nnUNet_preprocessed"
export RESULTS_FOLDER="/data/hzy/nnUNet/nnUNet_trained_models"

(of course adapt the paths to your system)

3.Copy the python files in this repository to the code directory of nnUNet.

cp network_training/* nnunet/training/network_training/
cp network_architecture/* nnunet/network_architecture/
cp run_searching.py nnunet/run/

Dataset and Preprocessing

The training data is from the MSD (Medical Segmentation Decathlon) challenge. After downloading the data, use scripts nnUNet_convert_decathlon_task and nnUNet_plan_and_preprocess provided by nnUNet to preprocess the data. For more details, please refer to the repository of nnUNet.

How to use AdwU-Net

For example, we search the optimal depth and width of Task005_Prostate and then configure the optimal depth and width of nnUNet to train the model.

  • Run the following command to search the optimal depth and width on Task005_Prostate
cd nnunet/run
python run_searching.py 3d_fullres AdwUNetTrainer_search 5 all
  • Edit AdwUNetTrainer.py, change the value of self.arch_list using the output at the end of search stage.
  • Run the following command to train nnUNet using the optimal depth and width on Task005_Prostate
for FOLD in 0 1 2 3 4
nnUNet_train 3d_fullres AdwUNetTrainer 5 $FOLD


If you find this repository useful, please consider citing our paper:

title={AdwU-Net: Adaptive Depth and Width U-Net for Medical Image Segmentation by Differentiable Neural Architecture Search},
author={Ziyan Huang and Zehua Wang and zhikai yang and Lixu Gu},
booktitle={Medical Imaging with Deep Learning},


[MIDL22] Adaptive depth and width U-Net. Search task-specific optimal depth and width of U-Net by DNAS method.


Language:Python 100.0%