YujiSODE / txtMap

Tool for hexadecimal text data mapping.

Home Page:https://yujisode.github.io/txtMap/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Tool for hexadecimal text data mapping.
GitHub: https://github.com/YujiSODE/txtMap
Wiki: https://github.com/YujiSODE/txtMap/wiki

Copyright (c) 2018 Yuji SODE <yuji.sode@gmail.com>
This software is released under the MIT License.
See LICENSE or http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php

1. Synopsis


  • ::txtMap::outputMap hexTxt W fileName;
    it outputs mapping result.
  • ::txtMap::outputHexMap cMap fileName;
    it outputs hexadecimal map converted from unicode character map.


  • $hexTxt: utf-8 encoded string that is composed of hexadecimal characters (0-1 and a-f)
    and newline character (Unicode U+00000A)
  • $cMap: unicode character map output by ::txtMap::outputMap or ::txtMap::hexToMap
  • $W: the maximum integer length for output string
  • $fileName: name of output file

Output as HTML file

  • ::txtMap::outputHTML hexTxt W title ?comment?;
    it outputs mapping result as HTML file using given hexadecimal string and width.


  • $hexTxt: utf-8 encoded string that is composed of hexadecimal characters (0-1 and a-f) and newline character (Unicode U+00000A)
  • $W: the maximum integer length for output string
  • $title: title of output HTML file
  • $comment: an optional comment

Hexadecimal scale

  • scale ?L1 ?R1 ?L2 ?R2????;
    it returns hexadecimal scale.


  • $L1 and $L2: optional left characters
  • $R1 and $R2: optional right characters


Converting into 4-bit hexadecimal string

  • ::txtMap::to4bitHex list ?Min ?Max??;
    it converts nummerical list into a 4-bit hexadecimal string.
    to4bitHex is modified version of to4bit.tcl (Yuji SODE,2018).


  • $list: a numerical list
  • $Min and $Max: minimum and maximum integers
    0 and 15 are default values

Character map and hexadecimal map

  • ::txtMap::hexToMap hexTxt W;
    it returns unicode character map using given hexadecimal string and width.
  • ::txtMap::mapToHex cMap;
    it returns hexadecimal map converted from unicode character map output by ::txtMap::hexToMap.


  • $hexTxt: utf-8 encoded string that is composed of hexadecimal characters (0-1 and a-f) and newline character (Unicode U+00000A)
  • $cMap: unicode character map output by ::txtMap::hexToMap
  • $W: the maximum integer length for output string

Converting rule

  • ::txtMap::rule ?v1 v2?;
    it sets a new rule and returns this new rule as a list.
    it returns the current rules a list when arguments are not specified.


  • $v1 and $v2: optional values

2. Script

It requires Tcl/Tk 8.6+.

  • txtMap.tcl

3. Library list