XuanlinZeng / MindRL_Journal_Club


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MindRL Hub (强化学习讨论分享社群)

  • 组委会成员(姓氏拼音顺序)
    || Committee members (alphabetical order):
    Zeming Fang 方泽鸣 (SJTU),
    Huaiyu Liu 刘怀瑜 (UCL),
    Yanan Liu 刘亚男 (McGill University),
    Hanbo Xie 谢涵博 (University of Arizona)

  • 微信群:RL 专题分享讨论群
    || WeChat Group: RL 专题分享讨论群

  • 微信公众号: MindRL Hub
    || WeChat Official Account: MindRL Hub

  • 会议地址:Zoom 或腾讯会议, 请关注微信公众号,以公众号上每次活动实际通知为准。
    || Web-based meeting: Zoom or Tencent Meeting, please see the notifications on our Github (https://rldmjc.github.io/)

  • 官方网站:https://rldmjc.github.io/
    || Our Github: https://rldmjc.github.io/

  • 主旨:我们联合创立本社群,希望能够为强化学习相关领域的各个层级的研究者提供交流、互助、合作的平台。我们希望和来自心理学、神经科学、人工智能以及其他相关专业如管理学、数学、经济学等交叉领域的同行一起构建更丰富、更有包容性的平台。
    || Goal(s): We co-founded this MindRL Hub Community. This community dedicates to connecting Reinforcement Learning (RL) scholars to exchange their latest research, tools, hands-on tutorials (e.g., Stan, R, MATLAB, Python), etc. In addition, we also hope to foster discussion and collaboration between those involved in RL (e.g., Psychology, Cognitive Neuroscience, AI, Economics, etc.).

  • 联系方式: 如果想加入社群、加入 Committee 或参加某次活动,欢迎联系组委会成员。微信:Psych509. 也可申请加入我们社群的mailing list,申请的时候请注明理由
    || Contact us: If you wish to join our community, or become a part of the committee, or participant in a specific web-based meeting; please feel free to contact our committee members via the WeChat (Psych509 or UchihaTed) or the twitter (@Mind_RL_Hub). You can also join our mailing list (https://groups.google.com/g/mindrl-hub-community), please do specify the reason when applying to join our mailing list, thanks.

MindRL Hub

MindRL Hub Past Talks

(Date in Beijing Time)
(Past talk videos)
1 Neural network modeling reveals diverse human exploration behaviors via state space analysis Huadong Xiong 熊华东 (University of Arizona ) Research Recap 原创研究 2023/08/09 14:00 (GMT+8) 回放 Chinese
2 分层贝叶斯强化学习模型的实操示例
(Crash tutorials on fitting hierarchical Bayesian reinforcement learning models)
Shen Xu 徐深(Peking University) Tutorial Talk 教程实例 2023/08/26 21:00 (GMT+8) 回放 Chinese Reference
3 工作记忆指导了基于模型的决策中的动作估值
(Working memory guides action valuation in model-based inference)
Zhaoyu Zuo 左肇煜 (University of Science and Technology of China) Research Recap 原创研究 2023/09/09 21:00 (GMT+8) 回放 Chinese Reference
4 Reinforcement learning biases that makes us smart Stefano Palminteri (INSERM) Research Recap #3 2023/09/15 17:00(GMT+8) 回放 English Reference
5 Trait somatic anxiety is associated with reduced directed exploration and underestimation of uncertainty Haoxue Fan (Harvard University) Research Recap #4 2023/09/22 21:30(GMT+8) 回放 Chinese Reference
6 Construction of mental representations in human planning Mark Ho (Stevens Institute) Research Recap #5 2023/10/04 21:00(GMT+8) 回放 English Reference
7 Dynamic representations for behavioral flexibility Matt Nassar (Brown University) Research Recap #6 2023/10/12 21:00(GMT+8) 回放 English Reference
8 Structural abstraction and behavioral flexibility Seongmin A. Park (CNRS) Research Recap #7 2023/10/20 14:00(GMT+8) 回放 English Reference
9 Beyond the hippocampus as a predictive map Taicheng Huang- 黄泰诚- (Tsinghua University) Journal Jam #1 2023/10/28 14:00(GMT+8) 回放 Chinese Reference
10 Visual-spatial dynamics drive adaptive social learning in immersive environments Charley Wu (University of Tübingen) Research Recap #8 2023/11/08 17:00 (GMT+8) 回放 English Reference
11 The cognitive science of complex planning Weiji Ma (NYU) Research Recap #9 2023/11/30 22:00 (GMT+8) 回放 English Reference
12 Information, randomization, and simulation in exploration and exploitation Robert C. Wilson (Bob) (University of Arizona) Research Recap #10 2023/12/05 22:00 (GMT+8) 回放 English Reference
13 Clustering and generalization of abstract structures in reinforcement learning Michael J Frank (Brown University) Research Recap #11 2023/12/14 22:00 (GMT+8) 回放 English Reference
14 Learning about uncertainty: mechanisms and implications for mental health Toby Wise (KCL) Research Recap #12 2024/2/29 9pm; (GMT+8)
1PM UK time;
2PM Central European Time
回放 English Reference

MindRL Hub Upcoming Talks

(Date in Beijing Time)
(Meeting link)




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