Xiaoliang1992 / Motion-Planning

Books and Papers(mostly about UAV and CPP problem)

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Books and Papers(mostly about UAV and CPP problem) 将近三月所查找的与Motion Planning相关的(mostly)或不相关的Book and Paper上传至github(一航的github)。


对Motion Planning/Path Planning/UAV感兴趣的同学可以git一下,给个star~


motion planning(共计169个)


-Planning Algorithms(Copyright Steven M. LaValle 2006)

-Principles of Robot Motion Theory, Algorithms, and Implementations(2005 Massachusetts Institute of Technology)(ps:太大了,上传了百度云)

-Cooperative Path Planning of UAVs(Copyright 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd)

-Convex Optimization(Cambridge University Press 2004)

-Numerical Optimization Second Edition(2006 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC)

-2019-复旦-邱锡鹏-Neural Networks and Deep Learning( 神经网络与深度学习)


-Chinese Journal And Conferences(64)

Chinese Journal And Conferences -Chinese master(21)

Chinese master -English Journal And Conferences

-CPP Problem(37)

CPP Problem -DL AND RL(14)

DL AND RL -Qin Tong(华为200w博士秦通的4篇论文)(4)

Qin Tong -UAV(13)

UAV -English master(3)

English master -Review(7)

Review 关于BOOK:

一篇UAV,两本关于运筹优化的(凸优化和整数优化) 关于PAPER:



Books and Papers(mostly about UAV and CPP problem)