WowSoLaggy / LaggyBird

Simple app that simulates bird flocks using the distributed behavioral model

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



Simple app that simulates bird flocks using the distributed behavioral model. Done following the paper:


Each bird is described by position, orientation, speed vector and customizable FOV.

Three simple behaviors are available:

  1. Collision avoidance - each bird tries to avoid collision with the closest birds
  2. Direction matching - each bird tries to match own speed with the speed of all nearby neighbours
  3. Flocking - each bird tries to keep closer to the center of the nearby flock

Each of these modes can be switched separately using hotkeys.


  • 'Esc' - exit app
  • 'Space' - pause
  • 'F1' - show / hide tooltip
  • '~' - show metadata (FOV, direction, flock center, collisions avoidance weight)
  • '1' - switch collision avoidance mode
  • '2' - switch direction matching mode
  • '3' - switch flocking mode
  • '-' - decrease FOV
  • '+' - increase FOV
  • '0' - reset FOV

Used code

LaggyDx is used as a DirectX framework.
LaggySdk is used as an SDK framework.


Simple app that simulates bird flocks using the distributed behavioral model


Language:C++ 100.0%