WongFeiWah / neo-sdk


Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool




mkdir -p build
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cmake --build .
sudo cmake --build . --target install
sudo ldconfig

You can also using the script to install the SDK under ubuntu.

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/micvision/neo-sdk/newlidar/script/installNeoSDK.sh
chmod +x installNeoSDK.sh
sudo ./installNeoSDK.sh

You can test with command:

# under the build/ directory
# ./example device baudrate
./example /dev/ttyUSB0 230400

For Windows users open a command prompt with administrative privileges:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64"
cmake --build . --config Release
cmake --build . --target install --config Release

The above command assumes Visual Studio 2015. If you have a different version installed, change the value. ie:

Visual Studio 11 2012 Win64 = Generates Visual Studio 11 (VS 2012) project files for x64 architecture
Visual Studio 12 2013 Win64 = Generates Visual Studio 12 (VS 2013) project files for x64 architecture
Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64 = Generates Visual Studio 14 (VS 2015) project files for x64 architecture
Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64 = Generates Visual Studio 15 (VS 2017) project files for x64 architecture

Additionally, the above commands assume you want to build a x64 (64bit) verison of the library. To build a x86 (32 bit) version, simply drop the Win64. i.e.:

Visual Studio 14 2015 = Generates Visual Studio 14 (VS 2015) project files for x86 architecture

Then be sure to add the installation directories for the library and the header files to the environment PATH variable. For the above installation that would be something like C:\Program Files\neo\lib for the library and C:\Program Files\neo\inlcude\neo for the headers. You may have to restart the computer before the changes take effect.


  • Include <neo/neo.h> for the C interface or <neo/neo.hpp> for the C++ interface.
  • Link libneo.so with -lneo.

If you used CMAKE build system, adding below to your CMakeLists.txt:

FindPackage(Neo REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(.. ${LIBNEO_LIBRARY})
target_include_directories(.. ${LIBNEO_INCLUDE_DIR})


int32_t neo_get_version(void);

Returns the neo sdk version.

static neo_error_s neo_error_construct(const char*);
void neo_error_destruct(neo_error_s*);

Construct and destruct of neo_error_s.

neo(const char*, neo_error_s*);                                           // C++
neo(const char*, int32_t, neo_error_s*);                                  // C++

neo_device_s neo_device_construct_simple(const char*, neo_error_s*);      // C
neo_device_s neo_device_construct(const char*, int32_t, neo_error_s*);    // C

Construct of neo device based on a serial device port (e.g. /dev/ttyACM0 on Linux or COM8 on Windows) or a bitrate (default 115200).

void start_scanning(void);                                       // C++
void stop_scanning(void);                                        // C++

void neo_device_start_scanning(neo_device_s, neo_error_s*);      // C
void neo_device_stop_scanning(neo_device_s, neo_error_s*);       // C

Neo device start/stop scanning api.

ini32_t get_motor_speed(void);                                          // C++
void set_motor_speed(int32_t speed);                                    // C++

int32_t neo_device_get_motor_speed(neo_device_s, neo_error_s*);         // C
void neo_device_set_motor_speed(neo_device_s, int32_t, neo_error_s*);   // C

Neo device get/set motor speed [range: 0-10].

scan get_scan(void);                                                    // C++

neo_scan_s neo_device_get_scan(neo_device_s, neo_error_s*);              // C
int32_t neo_scan_get_number_of_samples(neo_scan_s);                     // C
int32_t neo_scan_get_angle(neo_scan_s, int32_t);                        // C
int32_t neo_scan_get_distance(neo_scan_s, int32_t);                     // C
int32_t neo_scan_get_signal_strength(neo_scan_s, int32_t);              // C

Neo device get the scan data. Get the number/angle/distance/signal strength of scan.

void reset(void);                                                       // C++
void calibrate(void);                                                   // C++

void neo_device_reset(neo_device_s, neo_error_s*);                       // C
void neo_device_calibrate(neo_device_s, neo_errors_s*);                 // C

Reset the neo device.


The neopy directory is the python package for neo device. Please refer the README.md.



License:MIT License


Language:C++ 73.1%Language:Python 16.7%Language:CMake 6.5%Language:C 3.4%Language:Shell 0.3%