WangYuTum / project-data-model-pg

Udacity data engineer nano degree subproject - data modelling with postgreSQL

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Data Engineer Nanodegree Subproject

The repository contains the project information of the Data Modelling with Postgres from Udacity Nanodegree Data Engineer. Please refer to the course website for more details.

Project scenario: A startup called Sparkify wants to analyze the data they've been collecting on songs and user activity on their new music streaming app.

Project goals: Build a database using Postgres and write an ETL pipeline to transfer raw data (JSON) to database tables for analytic purposes.

Business Process / Data Requirements

  • Analytics team wants to understand what songs their users are listening to.
  • Analytics team wants a Postgres DB with tables designed to optimize queries on song play analysis.

Engineering Task

  • Create a Postgres DB schema and ETL pipeline for the analysis
    • Explore & import raw data from JSON files given by the project
    • Define fact & dimension tables for a star schema for this particular analytic purpose
    • Write an ETL pipeline that imports and transfers data from JSON files to tables in Postgres DB
  • Test database and ETL pipeline by running some test queires

Tools Used

Original Data Sources

Note that the actual data (in JSON) used in this project is a subset of original dataset preprocessed by the course.

  1. Million Song Dataset
  2. Event Simulator based on Million Song Dataset

Database Schema (Data Warehousing) Design

User Story: User user_id plays a song whose artist is artist_name at time start_time using agent.
From the above story, we can extract some necessary information/dimentions:

  • Who: user dimension
  • What: songs and artists dimension
  • When: time dimension
  • How (many): songplay fact
  • (More possible dimensions but not used in this project):
    • Where: geo-locations dimension
    • How: agents dimension

Since the core business process/metric is an user playing a song, the fact table should store the song play records with user/song identifier together with related information about the how and where the song is played. Based on the data and tables given in the project, the star schema looks like this (generated using LucidChart): erd

ETL Process

  1. Extract songs data from corresponding JSON files and insert them into dimension tables:
    • songs
    • artists
  2. Extract users and time data from corresponding JSON files and insert them into dimension tables:
    • users
    • time
  3. Extract song play records from corresponding JSON files and insert them into fact table (and make sure to conform to entity relation constraints):
    • songplays
  4. Test the entire ETL process and runing some queries.

Usage and Sample Results


  1. Make sure all packages are installed and Postgres is configured with username student, see section Implementation Details/Notes below for more details.
  2. Execute to drop existing database and tables and create new ones.
  3. Execute to run the ETL process and load data to database tables.
  4. Open test.ipynb in python notebook to verify results.

Additional files:

  • implements all sql queries in this project including creating/droping tables, inserting records into tables, etc.
  • etl.ipynb is a step-by-step guide to create the complete ETL process.

Some of the sample results after running test.ipynb:

  1. Result 1

  2. Result 2

Implementation Details/Notes

  • Explicitly declear FOREIGN KEY to enforce referential integrity and improve performance, check this link
  • Use Standard DataTime format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.SSSSS
  • song duration (decimal, per song): song_len <= 24 hours
  • latitude range (decimal): -90 <= lat_val <= +90
  • longitude range (decimal): -180 <= long_val <= +180
  • hour (int): 0 <= hour <= 23
  • day (int, leap year has 366 days, the last day being at 365th): 0 <= day <= 365
  • week (int, 52 weeks in total plus one/two days, ceiling to 53 weeks): 0 <= week <= 52
  • month (int): 1 <= month <= 12
  • year (int, the earliest recorded songs were made after 1800s according to wikipedia and assuming artists and users in the database were not born before 1800s)
    • year from songs table year >= 1800 or year == 0 (default if not specified)
    • year from time table: year >= 1800
  • weekday (int): 0 <= weekday <= 6
  • first/last name of users length: 1 <= len <= 100
  • artist name length: 1 <= len <= 200
  • foreign keys should not be NULL, however it will result in producing only one record in fact table songplays. Therefore, relaxing the constraints to have only attributes start_time and user_id as NOT NULL in fact table songplays.

Run project locally (Mac)

  • Install Postgres Database
    brew install postgresql
  • Check if Postgres is installed successfully
    postgres -V
  • Install packages
    • Using pip command
      pip install psycopg2
      pip install pandas
    • Or Using conda environment
      conda install psycopg2
      conda install pandas
  • Check packages installed successfully
  • (Re) Start Postgres services
    brew services start postgresql
  • Check Postgres Users/DBs
    • Log in as user postgres: psql postgres -U postgres
    • Display all users/roles: \du

      I have already created student user in this example.
    • Display all existing databases: \list

      I have already created databases studentdb and sparkifydb in this example.
    • Log out: \q
  • Create a new user using following arguments:
    • username: student
    • number of connections (max): 8
    • current username (with privilege of creating new users/roles): postgres
      createuser -c 8 -d -P -U postgres student
      Remember to set password as student
  • Create default database studentdb with owner/user student
    createdb studentdb -U student
  • Verify the creation of user and database
    • Log in as user student: psql postgres -U student
    • List databases:\list
  • Now you can run the scripts and python-notebooks in this project


  1. Use parallel processing to process songs data (take care of duplicate rows in artists and songs tables)
  2. Use parallel processing to process songplay data (take care of duplicate rows in users and time tables)


  1. Setup Postgres on Mac: Getting Started with PostgreSQL on Mac OSX
  2. Reading bulk data into Postgres: Fastest Way to Load Data Into PostgreSQL Using Python


Udacity data engineer nano degree subproject - data modelling with postgreSQL


Language:Jupyter Notebook 83.9%Language:Python 16.1%