WKHAllen / pgtr-sample-app

A sample app that uses a PostreSQL-Go-TypeScript-React stack

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PGTR Sample App

This is a sample app that uses a PostgreSQL-Go-TypeScript-React stack.


This sample app is deployed here on Heroku.


For the frontend, React was the obvious choice, as it is one of the most powerful frontend frameworks out there. The TypeScript variant of React is used because it is very easy to make mistakes when using JavaScript.

Most modern languages could work for the backend. Go was chosen because of its simplicity and because of one of its most powerful web frameworks, Gin.

PostgreSQL is used for the database because of its popularity and advanced features. In addition, Heroku has a helpful addon for interacting with Postgres databases.


This repository can serve as a template for projects designed using the PGTR stack. Simply follow the steps below, skipping the ones that are not relevant to your project.


First, clone the sample project.

$ git clone https://github.com/WKHAllen/pgtr-sample-app.git

Push the cloned project to your own project's repository in GitHub.

Initializing Heroku

Create the app on Heroku. Then configure the app to deploy using your project's GitHub repository.


Add the Go and Node.js buildpacks to the app. You will need both to build and run the project.

Connecting the database

Add the Heroku Postgres addon to the app. This will automatically provision a PostgreSQL database and configure your app's DATABASE_URL config variable. The variable will be used by the backend to connect to the database.

Environment variables

App config variables should be set up automatically where your project will be hosted. In order to run the app locally, however, you'll need to create a file called .env in the root directory of the project. Inside this file, you will need the following:


<databaseURL> above should be replaced with the URL that has been automatically configured in your app's remote config variables.

Database initialization

If your database needs to be initialized programmatically, this can be done in src/dbinit.go using the InitDB function.

Note: this function will run every time the app starts. Be careful how you write your SQL statements in this function. For example, use:


rather than:


since the table will already exist unless this is the first time starting the app.

Extending the app

The app can be easily extended. Add frontend components or backend REST endpoints using the instructions below.


The frontend of the application is a series of React components written in TypeScript. Some components are set up to make calls to the REST API.

Adding components

To add a component, create a new TypeScript React file in the app/src/components directory. Corresponding stylesheets should go in app/src/css.

The app is configured to load app/src/components/errors/NotFound.tsx in the event of a 404. Editing this component is encouraged. Deleting it is not.

Using REST endpoints

Use the Fetch API to make requests to REST endpoints. See app/src/components/People.tsx for an example.


Routing is done on the frontend, using react-router-dom. See app/src/components/App.tsx or this quickstart guide for examples.


The backend is divided into routes and services. The routes package manages the REST endpoints, which use the services to interact with the database.

Adding a REST endpoint

To add an endpoint, create a new Go file in the src/routes package or open an existing one. Add a function which follows the same format as the existing ones. If the function needs to access the database, you will need to create a new service.

Create or add to a file in the src/services package. Add a function which again follows the format as others in the package. Use the dbm object to interact with the database.

After creating an endpoint, you'll need to expose it to the router. Open src/routes/init.go and append the following line to the LoadRoutes function body:

api.GET("<URLPath>", <routeFunction>)

Replace <URLPath> above with the desired API endpoint path. For path format options (i.e. parameters in path), see Gin's examples.

Replace <routeFunction> above with the name of the function you added to the src/routes package.

The src/routes/helper package will handle some common routing problems for you. Use it.

Do not delete init.go from the src/routes and src/services packages. They are important, and the REST API will not work without them.

Running locally

Scripts have been provided for running the app locally. Run the appropriate script, then navigate to localhost:3000 in your browser.


On Windows, use run.bat:


MacOS and Linux

On MacOS or Linux, use run.sh:



A sample app that uses a PostreSQL-Go-TypeScript-React stack



Language:TypeScript 44.8%Language:Go 43.9%Language:HTML 6.8%Language:CSS 4.2%Language:Batchfile 0.2%Language:Shell 0.1%