Skrylar / sklog

Lightweight structured logging for Nim.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

sklog is a lightweight structured logging module. It is primarily based around logfmt for its ease of machine emission and parsing. It also prefers to log to stdout as in Twelve-Factor Apps.

Some nice to haves (that are not here [yet?]):

  • Explicit multi-threading support,

  • Tracing (think Hawktracer, Tracy),


  • MPL-2. (Mozilla Public License, v2)


  • This module is currently standalone.

How the docs are built

sklog is written with a literate approach. Special lines starting with #- indicate some Asciidoc prose occurs on the line. All other lines are code as per usual.

There is no tangle phase; source files are built directly with Nim. The weave phase is handled by and "flips" comment lines to prose and code lines to source code blocks.

In this case readme-base.adoc is some front matter for the repository, and glue instructions to have the examples and documentation included. We then use Asciidoctor.rb to turn the front matter to Docbook and finally Pandoc to turn the Docbook in to Git Flavored Markdown for Sourcehut and Github.

Other things

If you need a lot of shiny bells and whistles you might be better served by Chronicles. They have done a fine job.


Simple usage example

import sklog

The log function, given only a set of key/values will print directly to standard output.

log({"milk": "unquoted", "level": "info", "status": "ok"})

This is done in logfmt so you will see milk=unquoted.

If a value contains anything too weird (alphanumerics, dashes and underlines are okay) then the string will be quoted.

log({"milk": "toast is good", "level": "info", "status": "ok"})

This time, milk is printed as milk="toast is good".

Introduction to Fluting and Chimneys

import sklog

A chimney is just a sequence of fluting.

var test_chimney: seq[LogFlute]

Here we add some fluting that rustles the jimmies of logs as they fall. We could use some more meaningful value such as tacking a thread ID or the current time.

test_chimney &= proc(values: var seq[LogKeyValues]) =
  values &= ("rustled", "jimmies")

And then we want it to go to stdout, in logfmt format.

test_chimney &= flute_to_logfmt_stdout

Now we drop a log through the chimney.

test_chimney.log({"diddly": "squat"})

The module

Structured logging


This is a string-string tuple because the syntax {"foo": "bar"} is a table constructor that produces arrays of string-string tuples.

    LogKeyValues* = (string, string)

A flute ("fluting") will modify or emit values on their way through the chimney. This can be used to mark which script interpreter is making the log events, or which thread is doing so during fork-joins.

    LogFlute* = proc(variables: var seq[LogKeyValues]) {.closure.}

A chimney is an ordered sequence of flutes.

    LogChimney* = seq[LogFlute]

Checking if input needs special quotation

proc must_quote_for_logfmt*(input: string): bool =
  ## Checks whether the given string needs to be escaped to print on a logfmt
  ## line.
  for ch in input:
    case ch:
    of 'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', '0'..'9', '-', '_':
      return true
  return false

proc must_quote_for_json*(input: string): bool =
  ## Returns if a string needs any more work than just surrounding it in
  ## quotes, to echo it as part of a JSON document.
  discard # TODO

Applying special quotations

proc quote_for_logfmt*(input: string): string =
  ## Returns a new string which has been safely quoted to echo via logfmt.
  result = newStringOfCap(input.len)

  result &= "\""
  for ch in input:
    case ch:
    of '"', '\\':
      result &= '\\'
      result &= ch
      result &= ch
  result &= "\""

proc quote_for_json*(input: string): string =
  ## Returns a new string which has been safely quoted to echo via JSON.
  discard # TODO

Mixin: write key/values to stdout

Used because writing to stdout is the same, whether we do it from the quick no-copy log call or the slower copying log call.

template dump_the_vars(values: untyped) =
  var c = values.high
  for v in values:
    if must_quote_for_logfmt(v[0]):
      write stdout, quote_for_logfmt(v[0])
      write stdout, v[0]

    write stdout, "="

    if must_quote_for_logfmt(v[1]):
      write stdout, quote_for_logfmt(v[1])
      write stdout, v[1]

    if c > 0:
      write stdout, " "
      dec c

  write stdout, "\n"
  flushFile stdout

Logging without chimneys

This is very efficient since it directly writes the values to stdout and does no copying. Useful for processes too small to bother with more complicated logging.

proc log*(values: openarray[LogKeyValues]) =
  ## Emits a key=value array to log output; bypasses any fluting.

Logging through chimneys

A chimney is a sequence of procedures which may modify the values on the way down. The contents are said to become "sooty" as they fall down the chimney and are mutated. You should make sure one or more procs actually send the log to a console, socket or another thread when they are done tumbling or else this whole activity is pointless.

proc log*(flute: LogChimney; values: openarray[LogKeyValues]) =
  ## Sends some variables "down the chimney." A copy of the sequence is made
  ## so it does not get sooty on the way down.

  # copy values to a mutable sequence
  var x: seq[LogKeyValues]
  newSeq(x, values.len)
  for i in 0..values.high:
    x[i] = values[i]

  # now send them down the chimney
  for f in flute:

Quick logging, with disposable data

Quick logging assumes you have a mutable sequence, perhaps because you have been building a canonical log line. It also assumes you are sacrificing the sequence to the chimney.

What makes this "quick" is that the non-quick log routine makes a copy of its input.

proc qlog*(flute: LogChimney; values: var seq[LogKeyValues]) =
  ## Send values down the chimney. The value sequence you provide is gonna
  ## get mangled by soot on the way down.
  for f in flute:

Sending values to stdout via the chimney

proc flute_to_logfmt_stdout*(values: var seq[LogKeyValues]) =
  ## Writes the incoming set of values in logfmt, to standard output.


Lightweight structured logging for Nim.


Language:Nim 86.4%Language:Python 13.6%