Siddharth453 / Todo-List

This is our new todo list app where you can store your todos securely and without a mess. Here you can edit a task, remove it, add it to Google Calendar, complete it and make a task incomplete! Fully secured🔒🔒.

Home Page:

Repository from Github https://github.comSiddharth453/Todo-ListRepository from Github https://github.comSiddharth453/Todo-List

Yay, Todo List!

This is our all new TODO LIST APP which is released on 20/10/2020!

The URL for this Application is, and Sign Up on


  • You should be Authorized and Authenticated.
  • You can create a task and save it securely.
  • You can edit or remove your task whenever you want.
  • You can add the task to Google Calendar.
  • Nobody except you can edit or remove your task.
  • 📖Guides:

  • Register your self on
  • Click Create task button at the bottom of your screen to create a task.
  • Click on the View More button on bottom of each task to see more information of that task.
  • On the More Information page of a task click complete button(if the task is incomplete) to complete the task.
  • On the More Information page of a task click incomplete button(if the task is completed) to make the task incomplete.
  • On the More Information page of a task click Edit Task to edit a task.
  • On the More Information page of a task click Add Task to Google Calendar to add the task to Google Calendar.
  • On the More Information page of a task click Remove Task to remove a task.
  • 📈Status:

    Published, Working👍


    Siddharth Kumar

    Version 1.0.2(Latest)


    This is our new todo list app where you can store your todos securely and without a mess. Here you can edit a task, remove it, add it to Google Calendar, complete it and make a task incomplete! Fully secured🔒🔒.


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