Satjpatel / Verilog-HDL-Useful-Codes

Useful Verilog HDL Codes which can be used in multiple design systems.

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Useful Verilog HDL Codes which can be used in multiple design systems.

For Icarus Verilog, these are some useful commands.

For creating file : geany file1.v ( I use the Geany Editor) Close the file after the work is done

For compiling :

                      iverilog file1.v -o outputfile1
                      vvp outputfile1 

For simulation :

                     iverilog -o mysim file1.v file1_tb.v 
                     vvp mysim 

For Waveform generation : In the testbench, write this

                 module test1_tb.v 
                    $dumpfile("file1waveform.vcd") ; 
                    $dumpvars(0, test1_tb.v) ; //0 means we are dumping all variables 

then do this : gtkwave file1waveform.vcd

Cool Tip:

                            Whenever you are writing a code in Verilog, to avoid confusion where to assign wires and registers, always prefix your code with "r_" or "w_". This way, you will always assign the register values inside the always block, and wire values always outside the always block. 
                                      reg  r_LED_1    = 1'b0;
                                      reg  r_Switch_1 = 1'b0;
                                      wire w_Switch_1;


Useful Verilog HDL Codes which can be used in multiple design systems.


Language:Verilog 100.0%