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Neural Haircut: Prior-Guided Strand-Based Hair Reconstruction. ICCV 2023

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Unable to create the enviroment in any of my devices

AEspinosaDev opened this issue · comments


My colleagues and I are having trouble creating the enviroment with conda, we all have the same error using different machines.

In my case, I am using Ubuntu 22.04 --also tried on Windows 10-- with the latest conda version and 30 series NVIDIA GPUs. In all of these cases I get the same error from the console: conda is unable to create the enviroment due to an extraordinary amount of version errors, most of them related to Pytorch and CUDA.

I attached a txt containing the error trace from the console :

As I said, I'm not the only one having this problem, my colleagues are experimenting just the same, with very similar --if not equal-- error traces, and some of them are using PIP.

Right now I'm trying these steps, but I don't think that'll solve anything:

  1. Install Pytorch and Pytorch 3D versions that match the dependencies one.
  2. Check for all imports on code files and take out the version number of these packages on yaml.
  3. Take out prequisites of anything that is not directly use on code.

No luck for now.