SainsburyWellcomeCentre / aeon_api

Project Aeon low-level library for interfacing with acquired data. Contains modules for raw data file io, data querying, and data processing.

Repository from Github https://github.comSainsburyWellcomeCentre/aeon_apiRepository from Github https://github.comSainsburyWellcomeCentre/aeon_api


aeon_api_env_build_and_tests aeon_api_tests_code_coverage

Project Aeon low-level library for interfacing with acquired data. Contains modules for loading and processing raw data.

Set-up Instructions

We recommend uv for python version, environment, and package dependency management. However, any other tool compatible with the pyproject.toml standard should work.

Install from PyPI

uv pip install swc-aeon

Install from source

git clone
cd aeon_api
uv sync --all-extras

Repository Contents

  • .github/workflows/ : GitHub actions workflows for building the environment and running tests
  • aeon/ : Source code for the Aeon Python package
    • aeon/analysis: Source code for processing and plotting the raw data
    • aeon/io: Source code for loading raw data
    • aeon/schema: Core modules for defining data schemas used to load raw data from particular experiments
  • tests/ : API unit tests
    • tests/data : Data used by tests
    • tests/io : Unit tests for the low-level raw data access API.
    • tests/schema : Schemas used to load sample data in test functions.

Citation Policy

If you use this software, please cite it as below:

Sainsbury Wellcome Centre Foraging Behaviour Working Group. (2023). Aeon: An open-source platform to study the neural basis of ethological behaviours over naturalistic timescales,



Project Aeon low-level library for interfacing with acquired data. Contains modules for raw data file io, data querying, and data processing.

License:BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License


Language:Python 100.0%