SJingwen / L2M

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Learning to Map for Active Semantic Goal Navigation

G.Georgakis, B.Bucher, K.Schmeckpeper, S.Singh, K.Daniilidis

International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) 2022


We provide a Dockerfile in this repository which you can use to build an Docker image. In the Docker image, run

source activate habitat

to activate the Conda environment where the dependencies installed. When we release our code, we will also provide this image via DockerHub.

To install the dependencies manually, run:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Habitat-lab and habitat-sim need to be installed before using our code. We build our method on the latest stable versions for both, so use git checkout tags/v0.1.7 before installation. Follow the instructions in their corresponding repositories to install them on your system. Note that our code expects that habitat-sim is installed with the flag --with-cuda.


We use the Matterport3D (MP3D) dataset (the habitat subset and not the entire Matterport3D) for our experiments. Follow the instructions in the habitat-lab repository regarding the dataset folder structure. In addition we provide the following:

  • MP3D Scene Pclouds: An .npz file for each scene that we generated and that contains the 3D point cloud with semantic category labels (40 MP3D categories). This was done for our convenience because the semantic.ply files for each scene provided with the dataset contain instance labels. The folder containing the .npz files should be placed under /data/scene_datasets/mp3d.
  • Test Episodes: The test episodes we generated to evaluate our method. We provide the easy v3 and hard v5 sets as described in appendix A.5 of our paper. Note that for the final evaluation we used half of the v3 set (first 25 episodes per object instead of the 50 available) and the entirety of v5. v3 and v5 contain episodes for chair, sofa, cushion, table, counter, bed. Additionally we provide the v6 and v7 test sets that contain episodes for plant, toilet, tv_monitor and cabinet, fireplace respectively. All of the test sets should be under /data/datasets/objectnav/mp3d.

Trained Models

We provide the trained map predictor ensembles L2M-Active here and L2M-Offline here, and the trained image segmentation model here.


Here we provide instructions on how to use our code. It is advised to set up the root_path (directory that includes habitat-lab), log_dir, and paths to data folders and models before-hand in the

Testing on our episodes for object-goal navigation

Testing requires a pretrained DDPPO model available here. Place it under root_path/local_policy_models/. To run an object-goal navigation evaluation of our method on two scenes in parallel and on the hard episodes:

python --name test_exp --ensemble_dir /path/to/ensemble/folder --with_img_segm --img_segm_model_dir /path/to/img/segm/model/folder --root_path /home/user/ --log_dir /path/to/log/dir --gpu_capacity 2 --ensemble_size 4 --scenes_list 2azQ1b91cZZ 8194nk5LbLH --test_set v5

Testing the map predictors

To evaluate the map predictors in terms of semantic prediction:

python --name test_map_exp --ensemble_dir /path/to/ensemble/folder --root_path /home/user/ --log_dir /path/to/log/dir --sem_map_test --with_img_segm --img_segm_model_dir /path/to/img/segm/model/folder

Training the map predictor models

If you wish to train your own ensemble, you first need to generate the training data. Then each model in the ensemble can be trained separately:

python --name train_model_0 --batch_size 12 --map_loss_scale 1 --is_train --num_workers 4 --root_path /home/user/ --log_dir /path/to/log/dir --with_img_segm --img_segm_model_dir /path/to/img/segm/model/folder --stored_episodes_dir /path/to/mp3d_objnav_episodes_final/ --stored_imgSegm_episodes_dir /path/to/mp3d_objnav_episodes_final_imgSegmOut/

Training the image segmentation model

If you wish to re-train the image segmentation:

python --name img_segm_train --num_workers 4 --batch_size 5 --img_segm_loss_scale 1 --is_train --img_segm_training --root_path /home/user/ --log_dir /path/to/log/dir --stored_episodes_dir /path/to/mp3d_objnav_episodes_final/

Finetuning the map predictors with active data

To finetune the L2M-Offline ensemble models (choose the particular model with --model_number) with the active data:

python --name finetune_ensemble_model_0 --num_workers 4 --batch_size 6 --map_loss_scale 0.2 --summary_steps 1000 --image_summary_steps 5000 --checkpoint_steps 4000 --is_train --finetune --with_img_segm --img_segm_model_dir /path/to/img/segm/model/folder --model_number 1 --stored_episodes_dir /path/to/mp3d_objnav_episodes_active/ --ensemble_dir /path/to/ensemble/folder --root_path /home/user/ --log_dir /path/to/log/dir --lr 0.0001

Generating training data

If you want to retrain our models, then you need to generate first the initial training examples (mp3d_objnav_episodes_final), then the grounded image segmentations (mp3d_objnav_episodes_final_imgSegmOut), and finally the active data (mp3d_objnav_episodes_active).

First, to generate the initial training examples on two scenes in parallel:

python --gpu_capacity 2 --scenes_list HxpKQynjfin JF19kD82Mey --episodes_save_dir /path/to/save/dir/ --root_path /home/user/ --max_num_episodes 20000

Note that there is a dedicated options list in

To generate the grounded image segmentations on two scenes in parallel:

python --gpu_capacity 2 --img_segm_model_dir /path/to/img/segm/model/folder --episodes_save_dir /path/to/save/dir/ --stored_episodes_dir /path/to/initial/training/examples/ --root_path /home/user/ --scenes_list 7y3sRwLe3Va GdvgFV5R1Z5

This step reads from the initial training examples and runs the image segmentation model to store its output. Note that the image segmentation model needs to be trained first.

To actively generate data on two scenes in parallel:

python --name active_train_data --is_train --active_training --ensemble_size 4 --ensemble_dir /path/to/ensemble/folder --gpu_capacity 2 --with_img_segm --img_segm_model_dir /path/to/img/segm/model/folder --active_ep_save_dir /path/to/save/dir/ --max_num_episodes 10000 --root_path /home/user/ --log_dir /path/to/log/dir --scenes_list 17DRP5sb8fy 1LXtFkjw3qL

Note that to actively generate useful data an ensemble of map predictors needs to be trained first.



Language:Python 98.9%Language:Dockerfile 1.1%