Rouvik / R_OS

A simple monolothic OS for learning x86 barebones and how OSes work

Repository from Github https://github.comRouvik/R_OSRepository from Github https://github.comRouvik/R_OS


A simple monolothic OS for learning x86 barebones and how OSes work



Branch Info:

  • The main branch contains code upto the second boot loader and will probably be renamed bootloader to be specific
  • The flatmodel branch contains code where I will focus on using the flat memory model and no paging for protected mode and develop a very simple (probably single process only) kernel
  • The future pagedmodel branch will contain more paged, better, and secure system to generate a multitasking OS (this is just an ambition I don't know how far will I get...)

Just because flatmodel branch uses a simple flat non paged memory doesn't mean that there will be no paging and process isolation and I will probably try to acheive those too



  • Not much, presently only bootbase.bin (first boot sector code) is finished and successfully reads and loads bootsetup.bin from memory for execution and executes it
  • bootsetup.bin, is in an intermediate step and does nothing special yet

How to use?


  • An emulator: I am using Qemu with target i386, you can use Virtual Box but you will need to write your own command to execute the binary at build/main_floppy.img(this is the OS!)
  • NASM as the assembler
  • A debugger: I am using bochs and would highly recommend that you do too
  • And mostly knowledge about the topic to fix problems on your system

Compile and Run:

  • Run make to compile the OS and then use make emu to run on Qemu, also you can run with debugger with make debug


Rouvik Maji Gmail


A simple monolothic OS for learning x86 barebones and how OSes work

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Assembly 50.3%Language:C 30.3%Language:Makefile 19.4%