Rinzii / ccmath

A C++17 Compile Time <cmath> Library

Repository from Github https://github.comRinzii/ccmathRepository from Github https://github.comRinzii/ccmath

CCMath - A C++17 Compile Time CMath Library

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CCMath is a C++17 library that provides a re-implementation of the standard <cmath> library with all features made constexpr. This enables compile-time evaluation of mathematical functions, improving performance and allows for more efficient code in scenarios where constant expressions are required.


  • Full constexpr Compatibility: All functions provided by CCMath are implemented as constexpr along with an active effort made to ensure all functions work within static_assert. The primary goal is to ensure every function can be evaluated at compile time.

  • Drop-in Replacement for the Standard Math Library: CCMath provides a comprehensive set of mathematical functions that are 1:1 compatible with the C++ standard library <cmath>. The goal of CCMath is to effectively be a drop-in replacement for <cmath> with little to no discernible difference between the two. This includes trigonometric, exponential, logarithmic, and other common mathematical operations. If <cmath> has it then it is likely CCMath has implemented it.

  • Performance Optimization: Besides all the functions being able to be evaluated at compile time, CCMath was also built with speed in mind. We strive to have speeds nearly as fast as the standard implementation.

  • Optimized Runtime Evaluation: In all instances where a function cannot be evaluated at compile time, CCMath has been optimized to provide the fastest runtime evaluation possible and aims to be as fast as the standard library.

  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: CCMath is designed to work on all major platforms and compilers. It has been tested on Windows, macOS, and Linux with compilers such as GCC, Clang, and MSVC.

  • No External Dependencies: CCMath has no external dependencies and only requires a modern C++17-compliant compiler.

  • Header-Only Library: CCMath is a header-only library, making it easy to integrate into your projects.


To use CCMath in your projects, include the <ccmath/ccmath.hpp> header file and start using the provided functions. Here's a basic example:

#include <ccmath/ccmath.hpp> // Monolithic header file that includes all functions. Similar to including <cmath>
// #include <ccmath/power/sqrt.hpp> // You can also directly include the functions you require without bringing in extra functions!

#include <iostream> // For std::cout

int main() {
    constexpr double x = ccm::sqrt(25.0);  // Compile-time evaluation of square root
    std::cout << "Square root of 25: " << x << std::endl;
    return 0;

Adding CCMath to your project

CCMath has a comprehensive cmake setup and can be easily included in your project using fetchcontent like so:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.18)

        GIT_REPOSITORY https://github.com/Rinzii/ccmath.git
        GIT_TAG v0.2.0 # Replace with the version you want to use

target_link_libraries(main PRIVATE ccmath::ccmath)

CCMath is also designed with functions being freestanding and header only so you can also just drop the headers directly into your project!

Compiler Support

  • GCC 11.1+
  • Clang 9.0.0+
  • AppleClang 14.0.3+ (Lowest tested version)
  • MSVC 19.26+
  • Intel DPC++ 2022.0.0+
  • Nvidia HPC SDK 22.7+ (Lowest tested version)


Currently working on finding manners to lower these requirements.

Join Our Discord!

If you have any questions, suggestions, or just want to chat, feel free to join our Discord server!

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CCmath is an open-source project, and it needs your help to go on growing and improving. If you want to get involved and suggest some additional features, file a bug report or submit a patch, please have a look at the contribution guidelines!

Implementation Progress (Modules)

Module % done In Progress? Notes? Planned Completion Version
Basic 100 v0.1.0 (Released)
Compare 100 v0.2.0 (Released)
Exponential 57 maybe v0.3.0 or v0.4.0
Float Manipulation 25
Hyperbolic 0
Nearest 33
Power 5 maybe v0.3.0 or v0.4.0
Special Functions 0
Trigonometric 0
Misc Functions 30
Total Library Completion 37

Last Updated: Aug 31, 2024

Implementation Progress (Functions)

Feature % done TODO
abs 100
fdim 100
fma 100 Functional. Need to add proper runtime specific speed up.
(f)max 100
(f)min 100
remainder 100
remquo 100
nan 100 The nan function is still quite brittle, but it has reached a point of functionality.
fpclassify 100
isfinite 100
isgreater 100
isgreaterequal 100
isinf 100
isless 100
islessequal 100
islessgreater 100
isnan 100
isnormal 100
isunordered 100
signbit 100 Desire to find a manner of implementing signbit on lower versions of MSVC.
exp 100 Needs to be modernized to current CCMath standards
exp2 100 Needs to be modernized to current CCMath standards
expm1 0 Implement function
log 100 Needs to be modernized to current CCMath standards
log1p 0 Implement function
log2 100 Needs to be modernized to current CCMath standards
log10 0 Implement function
copysign 100
frexp 0 Implement function
ilogb 0 Implement function
ldexp 100
logb 0 Implement function
modf 0 Implement function
nextafter 0 Implement function
scalbn 100 Needs to be modernized to current CCMath standards also long double implementation is slow, but functional.
acosh 0 Implement function
asinh 0 Implement function
atanh 0 Implement function
cosh 0 Implement function
sinh 0 Implement function
tanh 0 Implement function
ceil 0 Implement function
floor 100
nearbyint 0 Implement function
rint 0 Implement function
round 0 Implement function
trunc 100
cbrt 0 Implement function
hypot 0 Implement function
pow 30 Continue implementation process and add documentation and tests
sqrt 100
assoc_laguerre 0 Implement function
assoc_legendre 0 Implement function
beta 0 Implement function
comp_ellint_1 0 Implement function
comp_ellint_2 0 Implement function
comp_ellint_3 0 Implement function
cyl_bessel_i 0 Implement function
cyl_bessel_j 0 Implement function
cyl_bessel_k 0 Implement function
cyl_neumann 0 Implement function
ellint_1 0 Implement function
ellint_2 0 Implement function
ellint_3 0 Implement function
expint 0 Implement function
hermite 0 Implement function
laguerre 0 Implement function
legendre 0 Implement function
riemann_zeta 0 Implement function
sph_bessel 0 Implement function
sph_legendre 0 Implement function
sph_neumann 0 Implement function
acos 0 Implement function
asin 0 Implement function
atan 0 Implement function
atan2 0 Implement function
cos 0 Implement function
sin 0 Implement function
tan 0 Implement function
gamma 0 Implement function
lerp 90 Nearly finished, just need to test the function further and validate full compliance.
lgamma 0 Implement function

Last Updated: Aug 31, 2024

Projects using CCMath!

  • KittyOS - KittyOS is meant to be a silly non-unix operating system for cat lovers and cats themselves.

(Are you using CCMath in your project? Let us know!)


CCMath is distributed under the Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception. See the LICENSE file for more information.

Special Thanks

Thanks a lot to LLVM, GCC, and LibM for a lot of insights and inspiration for many different tough issues encountered throughout the development of CCMath!


A C++17 Compile Time <cmath> Library



Language:C++ 95.5%Language:CMake 3.3%Language:Python 0.9%Language:Shell 0.2%Language:Batchfile 0.2%