RainerKuemmerle / g2o

g2o: A General Framework for Graph Optimization

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g2o issues with ROS2 humble .

chrissunny94 opened this issue · comments

undefined reference to symbol '_ZN3fmt2v86detail18throw_format_errorEPKc'
/usr/bin/ld: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libfmt.so.8: error adding symbols: DSO missing from command line
  1. Ubuntu 22.04
  2. ROS humble

Not sure if its exactly a ROS problem or something else .

But tracking it .


When are you getting this linker error? When you compile g2o or when you link your code with g2o?

While linking with g2o .
Getting it with the following .

Same code worked with ROS2 FOXY on Ubuntu 20.04 .

I have insalled g2o from the ROS2 release , sudo apt install ros-<distro>-libg2o , i am not sure of the corresponding g2o release with the same .

I will trying installing the FOXY-bundled-g2o from source and revert back for further clarity .


I will try to dig in over this weekend .

Thank you