RMonica / nbv_3d_prob_cnn

Probabilistic-CNN next best view method

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The nbv_3d_cnn package was used to compare multiple CNN-based and traditional NBV methods for research.


  • Random: random view pose selection.
  • CNNDirectional: direct gain prediction for every viewpoint and ray, on a grid (requires CNN model "" (empty string))
  • CNNFlat: direct gain prediction for every viewpoint and every direction, flat (requires CNN model flat)
  • CNNQuat: prediction of the best direction for each viewpoint, as quaternion (requires CNN model quat)
  • InformationGain: number of visible unknown voxels
  • InformationGainProb: probabilistic number of visible unknown voxels
  • AutocompleteIGain: probabilistic number of visible unknown voxels, occupancy probability is predicted using CNN (requires CNN model autocomplete)
  • AutocompleteFixedNumberIGain: as AutocompleteIGain, but only a random subset of viewpoints are evaluated (requires CNN model autocomplete)
  • OmniscientGain: cheating method, using the perfect knowledge of the environment from the ground truth

Results have been published in the article:

  • R. Monica, J. Aleotti, A Probabilistic Next Best View Planner for Depth Cameras based on Deep Learning, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2021

The methods above correspond to the methods presented in the article as follows:

  • Random: Random.
  • CNNDirectional: D-City-CNN.
  • CNNFlat: Flat City-CNN.
  • CNNQuat: B-City-CNN.
  • InformationGain: Information Gain.
  • InformationGainProb: Probabilistic Information Gain.
  • AutocompleteIGain: CNN Probabilistic (proposed approach).
  • AutocompleteFixedNumberIGain: CNN Probabilistic Downsampled.
  • OmniscientGain: Omniscient (oracle).


This is a standard ROS (Robot Operating System) package, which may be compiled with catkin build or catkin_make. Tested on Ubuntu 18.04 with ROS Melodic.

System dependencies:

  • OpenCV
  • Eigen3
  • OctoMap
  • Point Cloud Library
  • OpenCL
  • Tensorflow

Note: by default, ROS compiles without optimizations and produces a very slow executable. If you haven't already, please activate optimizations. Example commands:

  catkin_make -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo
  catkin build --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo


Tests were performed on three datasets, a 2D dataset, a 3D unstructured dataset (3DU) and a 3D tabletop dataset (3DT).

Note: as the directory structure cannot be committed into Git, please create any non-existing directory.

Pre-trained models

Pre-trained models may be downloaded from here: http://rimlab.ce.unipr.it/~rmonica/nbv_3d_cnn_trained_models.zip.

Models should be placed into folder data/trained_models.



  • Place the 2D scene dataset, composed of .tif files, into data/inria_dataset/AerialImageDataset/train/gt/. Files in the right format may be downloaded from the ground truth of the INRIA dataset. The dataset is very large, but only the ground truth (the black and white images) is needed in this case.
  • Launch generate_test_dataset.launch to generate the ground truth for all methods. Ground truth is placed into data/inria_environments.
  • Launch train_2d.launch. Edit parameter model_type to select the network to be trained. Checkpoint files are written into the data/output folder. Tensorboard data is written into the data/tensorboard folder.
  • When done, copy the checkpoint file from data/output to data/trained_models.


  • Place the 3DU dataset, composed of OctoMap .bt files, into data/scenes. Sample files generated randomly from the YCB benchmark may be downloaded from here.
  • Launch generate_test_dataset_3d.launch to generate the ground truth for all methods. Ground truth is placed into data/environments_3d.
  • Data augmentation for flat and quat 3D CNNs should be done in advance, to speedup training. Launch augment_test_dataset_3d.launch for data augmentation.
    Warning: this may increase the size of the data/environments_3d folder by one or two hundred GB.
  • Launch train_3d.launch. Edit parameter model_type to select the network to be trained. Checkpoint files are written into the data/output folder. Tensorboard data is written into the data/tensorboard folder.
  • Copy the checkpoint file from data/output to data/trained_models.


  • Place the 3DT tabletop dataset, composed of OctoMap .bt files, into data/scenes_realistic. Sample files generated randomly from the RD dataset can be downloaded from here.
  • Launch generate_test_dataset_3d_realistic.launch to generate the ground truth for all methods. Ground truth is placed into data/environments_3d_realistic.
  • Launch augment_test_dataset_3d_realistic.launch to perform data augmentation.
  • Launch train_3d_realistic.launch for training. Edit parameter model_type to select the network to be trained. Checkpoint files are written into the data/output folder. Tensorboard data is written into the data/tensorboard folder.
  • Copy the checkpoint file from data/output to data/trained_models/realistic.


Common parameters

These parameters may be set for the simulate_nbv_cycle node into simulate_nbv_cycle.launch, simulate_nbv_cycle_3d.launch and simulate_nbv_cycle_3d_realistic.launch.

  • nbv_algorithm (string): select the method string (see Methods above).
  • log_file (string): output log file name
  • image_file_name (string): test environment file name (image for 2D tests, OctoMap .bt for 3D tests)
  • sample_fixed_number_of_views (int): number of view samples for the AutocompleteFixedNumberIGain method
  • max_iterations (int): number of NBV iterations to be performed
  • save_images (bool): whether to save debug images
  • random_seed (int): random seed (for repeatability)
  • a_priori_occupied_prob (double): a-priori occupancy probability for InformationGainProb
  • sensor_resolution_x, sensor_resolution_y, sensor_focal_length: camera intrinsics


  • Launch simulate_nbv_cycle.launch. Statistics are saved to data/logs. Debug output is saved to data/simulate_nbv_cycle.


  • Launch simulate_nbv_cycle_3d.launch. Statistics are saved to data/logs_3d. Debug output is saved to data/simulate_nbv_cycle_3d.


  • Launch simulate_nbv_cycle_3d_realistic.launch. Statistics are saved to data/logs_3d_realistic. Debug output is saved to data/simulate_nbv_cycle_3d_realistic.



Probabilistic-CNN next best view method


Language:C++ 73.8%Language:Python 17.4%Language:C 6.7%Language:CMake 2.0%