RCmags / ornithopter-flight-calculator

:chart_with_upwards_trend: Program that calculates design parameters for an ornithopter in level flight

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Ornithopter flight calculator - v1.3

This program calculates various flight parameters for an ornithopter in level flight. The aircraft is modeled as a single set of wings that generate a certain amount of lift and thrust. We estimate the mechanical power required for flight and the electrical power drawn by an electric motor. The lift during gliding flight is also used to estimate the strength of a spring needed to keep the wings from collapsing.

The program outputs a table listing the inputs to the model, along with the values above and other useful parameters. It also generates plots for the lift distribution and twist of the wing during the upstroke, the downstroke, and glide. The wing planform is also shown, in addition to the geometry and torque generated by the spring.

NOTE: This version uses a set of linear equations to solve the lift distributions of the wing. Unfortunately, this form assumes the airspeed is constant across the wingspan (which is not the case for rotating wings). Despite this, the linear form allows the solution to be computed quickly.


The scripts were written in Python 3.9.5 and require the following libraries:

How to use

To execute the program, open the terminal/command prompt and browse to the folder containing the interface.py and run the command:

>> python interface.py

If you are using windows, you can simply double click interface.py and to open it with IDLE.

To adjust the calculations, open interface.py with a text editor and change the input variables. These include wing twist as a function of the wingspan, air density, motor voltage, and many other parameters.


  1. The aerodynamic forces are calculated according to the paper "Aerodynamic modeling of flapping flight using lifting line theory" by Bhowmik et al.

  2. The motor is modeled as an inductor and resistor subject to a constant voltage source and a back emf proportional to the angular velocity. The model is explained in the article "First-Order DC Electric Motor Model" by Mark Drella.

  3. The book "How ornithopters fly" by Horst Räbiger was used as a guide to perform the aformentioned calculations.

Sample output

lift_drag_ratio       4.000          %    
amplitude             55.000         deg  
dihedral              2.500          deg  
gravity               9.810          m/s^2
mass_total            0.300          kg   
mass_wing             0.052          kg   
air_density           1.204          kg/m^3
area                  0.110          m^2  

voltage               11.100         V    
current_stall         6.000          A    
current_noload        0.500          A    
motor_kv              3100.000       rpm/V

xoffset               -0.010         m    
yoffset               0.080          m    
radius_spring         0.050          m    

power_mechanical      12.361         W    
power_aerodynamic     8.151          W    
power_inertial        4.210          W    
power_minimum         7.155          W    
eff_aerodynamic       0.878          %    
eff_mechanical        0.579          %    
wing_radius           0.574          m    
wing_root_chord       0.122          m    
frequency             5.998          hz   
velocity              9.725          m/s  
torque_glide          0.359          N.m  
torque_max            0.677          N.m  
force_lift            2.943          N    
force_thrust          0.736          N    
pitch_trim_angle      0.264          deg  

resistance            1.850          ohm  
coeff_power           0.742          %    
coeff_angvel          0.754          %    
efficiency_motor      0.563          %    
power_electric_input  21.948         W    
power_max_mechanical  16.650         W    
current_motor         1.977          A    
gear_ratio            72.071         %    

climb_rate            0.316          m/s  
climb_angle           1.865          deg  

spring_constant       411.314        N/m  
spring_force          8.615          N    
length_change         0.037          m    
spring_angle          56.389         deg 





:chart_with_upwards_trend: Program that calculates design parameters for an ornithopter in level flight


Language:Python 100.0%