PiotrTymoszuk / graphExtra

Manipulation and plotting accessories for `igraph` objects

Repository from Github https://github.comPiotrTymoszuk/graphExtraRepository from Github https://github.comPiotrTymoszuk/graphExtra


Manipulation and plotting accessories for igraph objects

Basic usage

The package offers few functional tools that may help to integrate great tools of igraph in tidyverse-styled analysis pipelines:

  • as_iGraph(): generates igraph objects from a wide range of similarity and distance matrices as well as numeric matrices and data frames with similarity or correlation metrics defined by the user
  • prune_degree(), select_vertices(), and prune_vertices() allow for selection or removal of graph vertices based on a degree cutoff or logical expressions
  • get_vertex_attributes() and set_vertex_attributes() let the user fetch and set multiple vertex attributes with a data frame or a tibble
  • add_community() merges the community information obtained with one of the clustering tools offered by igraph package with vertex attributes
  • summary() computes a bunch of common vertex importance statistics such as degree, betweenness, and hub score
  • plot() overwrites the respective default method to generate ggplot-compatible graphics for igraph objects


You may easily fetch the package via devtools:


Terms of use

The package is available under a GPL-3 license.


The package maintainer is Piotr Tymoszuk.


Many thanks to authors, maintainers and contributors of the tidyverse evironment, and packages igraph and ggnetwork.


Manipulation and plotting accessories for `igraph` objects

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:R 100.0%