PX4 / disparity_to_point_cloud

ROS Node which converts a disparity map in a point cloud

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A ROS node to compute a point cloud from a disparity map.


The disparity_to_point_cloud depends on the following packages:

  • cv_bridge
sudo apt-get install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-cv-bridge
  • pcl: follow the instruction here
  • catkin build: follow the instruction here

Clone this git repositories into your catkin_ws/src directory.

You are now ready to build the package with:

cd catkin_ws
catkin build


You need to change the input remap in the launch file for your images and point cloud topics:


After starting your roscore use this to launch disparity_to_point_cloud:

roslaunch disparity_to_point_cloud d2pcloud.launch


ROS Node which converts a disparity map in a point cloud


Language:C++ 82.6%Language:CMake 17.4%