PX4 / PX4-SITL_gazebo-classic

Set of plugins, models and worlds to use with OSRF Gazebo Simulator in SITL and HITL.

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Satellite images not loading

jeremie-huy opened this issue · comments


I'm trying to get some satellite images from Google following this tutorial: https://classic.gazebosim.org/tutorials?tut=static_map_plugin&cat=build_world

It works fine when launching only Gazebo with this world, but when ran through PX4/Gazebo, it gets nothing (and the typhoon seems to be lost in the world).

Any advice?


(and the typhoon seems to be lost in the world).

What does this mean? Please provide details of your setup, what is the expectation, what is not working, how it is not working. With the limited information you have provided, it is hard to know what might have gone wrong

Oups, sorry.

I modified the empty world to integrate the satellite images as described in the tutorial.

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<sdf version="1.6">
  <world name="default">

    <plugin name="map" filename="libStaticMapPlugin.so">
      <center>LAT LNG</center>

Running this world with gazebo --verbose /path/to/modified_empty_world gets me the sat images:

But when testing with make px4_sitl gazebo_typhoon_h480__empty:

with no possibility of rotating to check the "ground".

Sorry again, just realized that it was missing a ground_plane:

Anyway, now I can see that the satellite images are not there, here's the full world file:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<sdf version="1.6">
  <world name="default">


    <physics name='default_physics' default='0' type='ode'>
      <gravity>0 0 -9.8066</gravity>
      <magnetic_field>6.0e-6 2.3e-5 -4.2e-5</magnetic_field>

    <plugin name="map" filename="libStaticMapPlugin.so">
      <center>LAT LNG</center>