Computational Mass Spectrometry @ Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL-Comp-Mass-Spec)

Computational Mass Spectrometry @ Pacific Northwest National Laboratory


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Computational Mass Spectrometry @ Pacific Northwest National Laboratory's repositories


The PepAligner program can read a file containing peptides and align them to a file of protein sequences (.Fasta or delimited text) using Smith-Waterman alignment.

Language:Visual BasicStargazers:1Issues:7Issues:0


The Peptide Fragmentation Modeller is a command-line utility reads that reads in a text file of peptide sequences and generates the theoretical fragmentation pattern for each, outputting the results in a single concatenated DTA file, or in separate .Dta files. The ion intensity values are not predicted values; instead, b, c, y, and z ions are assigned an intensity of 100; while a ions and neutral loss ions receive an intensity of 20.

Language:Visual BasicStargazers:1Issues:7Issues:0