OleguerCanal / cpp-python_socket

Simple socket comunication between c++ and python

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

IMPORTANT NOTE: This is more an exercice for me to learn how to make installable packages than an actual useful repo. Also, it is not finished, so expect some errors and a lot of missing stuff. Anyway, it works so hey, why not use it if you need it :)


Simple TCP/IP socket comunication wrapper between c++ and Python for IPC.

General Information

  • Branch master covers simple string communication, relies on standard libraries.
  • Branch image_transferring adds image transferring capabilities, relies on:
  1. OpenCV for c++: https://github.com/opencv/opencvBuild
  2. OpenCV for Python: pip install opencv-python

Only tested in Ubuntu 16.04 (python2 and python3) but it should be ok on other OS's, write an issue if its not.

Test it!

  1. Clone repo & change directory: git clone https://github.com/OleguerCanal/cpp_python_socket.git; cd cpp_python_socket/

  2. [OPTIONAL] Change branch to enable image transferring: git checkout image_transferring

  3. Build cpp code: ./cpp/build.sh

  4. Run unit test:

  • Terminal 1: python python_server_test.py
  • Terminal 2: ./run_cpp_client_test.sh

Install it!

Install Python package:

pip install CppPythonSocket --user

(or pip3 depending which python you wanna use)

Install c++ package:

  1. Either clone or add as a submodule this repo to your project folder:

git clone https://github.com/OleguerCanal/cpp_python_socket.git or

git submodule add https://github.com/OleguerCanal/cpp_python_socket.git

  1. [OPTIONAL] Change branch to enable image transferring: cd cpp_python_socket/

git checkout image_transferring

  1. Build it: ./cpp/build.sh

  2. If intending to use C++ code, add this 3 things to your CMakeLists.txt:

  • add_subdirectory(cpp_python_socket)
  • Append cpp_python_socket/cpp/include to include_directories(...
  • Append cpp_sockets to target_link_libraries(... of your library/executable.

Usage examples

Python Server:

from CppPythonSocket import Server
import cv2

if __name__ == "__main__":
  server = Server("", 5002)

  # Check that connection works
  message = server.receive()
  print("[CLIENT]:" + message)
  server.send("Shut up and send an image")

  # Receive and show image
  image = server.receive_image()
  cv2.imshow("SERVER", image)

C++ client:

#include <iostream>
#include "client.hpp"

int main() {
    socket_communication::Client client("", 5002);

    // Check that connection works
    client.Send("Hello hello!");
    std::string answer = client.Receive();
    std::cout << "Server: " << answer << std::endl;

    // Load image and send image
    cv::Mat img = cv::imread("cpp/lena.png");
    std::string answer2 = client.Receive();
    std::cout << "Server: " << answer2 << std::endl;


Simple socket comunication between c++ and python


Language:C++ 53.1%Language:Python 29.6%Language:CMake 14.5%Language:Shell 2.8%