OleguerCanal / Python_Benchmark_Test_Optimization_Function_Single_Objective

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Here a repository where you can find and easy access python implementation of a benchmark of functions to challenge single objective optimizations. You can download or fork the repository freely. If you see a mistake you can send me a mail at axel.arcueil@gmail.com or contact me on LinkedIn.

Available functions documentation

You can find the full documentation on this article for all the functions as you can see on the image above.


Easy Use

One-liner access: Filter the functions with their characteristics

import pybenchfunction as bench
# get all the available functions accepting ANY dimension
any_dim_functions = bench.get_functions(None)
# get all the available continuous and non-convex functions accepting 2D
continous_nonconvex_2d_functions = bench.get_functions(
    2,  # dimension
print(len(any_dim_functions))  # --> 40
print(len(continous_nonconvex_2d_functions))  # --> 41

Import specific function

# set the dimension of the input for the function
sphere = bench.function.Sphere(3)
# get results
X = np.array([1, 3, 0])
print(sphere(X))  # --> 10

Plot 2d or plot 3d contours

# Warning ! Only working on 2d functions objects !
# Warning 2! change n_space to reduce the computing time
thevenot = bench.function.Thevenot(2)
bench.plot_2d(thevenot, n_space=1000, ax=None)
bench.plot_3d(thevenot, n_space=1000, ax=None)

2D_plot.png 3D_plot.png

Access/change the parameters of parametrics functions

print(thevenot.get_param())  # --> {'m': 5, 'beta': 15}
thevenot.beta = 42
print(thevenot.get_param())  # --> {'m': 5, 'beta': 42}

Get the global minimum for a specific dimension

X_min, minimum = sphere.get_global_minimum(3)
print(X_min)  # --> [0 0 0]
print(minimum)  # --> 0

Acces/plot the latex formulas

latex = bench.function.Thevenot.latex_formula
# latex = bench.function.Thevenot.latex_formula_dimension
# latex = bench.function.Thevenot.latex_formula_input_domain
# latex = bench.function.Thevenot.latex_formula_global_minimum
print(latex)  # --> f(\mathbf{x}) = exp(-\sum_{i=1}^{d}(x_i / \beta)^{2m}) - 2exp(-\prod_{i=1}^{d}x_i^2) \prod_{i=1}^{d}cos^ 2(x_i)
latex_img = bench.latex_img(latex)
# convert the latex formula to image


Uniform implementation

All the functions are Classes implemented in the same way. Here the Sphere example:

class Sphere:
    name = 'Sphere'
    latex_formula = r'f(\mathbf{x})=\sum_{i=1}^{d} x_i^{2}'
    latex_formula_dimension = r'd \in \mathbb{N}_{+}^{*}'
    latex_formula_input_domain = r'x_i \in [-5.12, 5.12], \forall i \in \llbracket 1, d\rrbracket'
    latex_formula_global_minimum = r'f(0, ..., 0)=0'
    continuous = True
    convex = True
    separable = True
    differentiable = False
    mutimodal = False
    randomized_term = False
    parametric = False

    def is_dim_compatible(cls, d):
        assert (d is None) or (isinstance(d, int) and (not d < 0)), "The dimension d must be None or a positive integer"
        return  (d is None) or (d  > 0)

    def __init__(self, d,):
        self.d = d
        self.input_domain = np.array([[-5.12, 5.12] for _ in range(d)])

    def get_param(self):
        return {}

    def get_global_minimum(self, d):
        X = np.array([0 for _ in range(d)])
        return (X, self(X))

    def __call__(self, X):
        d = X.shape[0]
        res = np.sum(X**2)
        return res


License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%