MrBoriska / fast_astar_ros2_lib

AStar algo for MAPF problem solving in pure C lang (as ROS2 package)

Repository from Github https://github.comMrBoriska/fast_astar_ros2_libRepository from Github https://github.comMrBoriska/fast_astar_ros2_lib


This library for solving MAPF problem in ROS2 environment.

Bazed on My fork of BigZaphod's A* library.

Here is the forked repo's README:


This implementation of A* in C. It uses a binary heap to implement the priority queue and an indexed array for fast lookups of previously visited nodes.


To use it, you must define 3 functions which provide information about node connectivity, sorting, and heuristics. A "node" for purposes of this implementation is simply a pointer to any data you want. You must also specify the size of the node data you're pointing to. If you're just using pointers, the size is simply something like sizeof(MyNodeStruct *), however this implementation is capable of storing whole structures (such as {int x; int y;}) as well.

To find a path, first populate a ASPathNodeSource structure with the relevant pointers and node data size and then call ASPathCreate() with a start and goal node. Any context pointer passed into ASPathCreate() will be passed along to the various callback functions so you can use that to access your map or whatever you need.

The result of ASPathCreate() is an ASPath structure which stores the resulting path (if any). If there's no path, the ASPathGetCount() will return 0 and ASPathGetCost() will return INFINITY. You must call ASPathDestroy() when you're done with the resulting path or else you will leak memory. The ASPath structure does not store any reference to the original ASPathNodeSource used to make it. It is entirely self-contained and may be copied with ASPathCopy().

ASPathNodeSource.nodeComparator() must return -1, 0, 1 in such a way that the given nodes will be sorted in some order (the exact order such as ascending or descending, etc. is unimportant). This works just the same as any typical C sorting function should. This function is used when accessing the internal index to lookup previously visited nodes.

ASPathNodeSource.nodeNeighbors() is called whenever a node is visited. You are expected to use ASNeighborListAdd() to add new nodes to the list of possible neighbors for the given node and the cost to move from the given node to that new neighbor.

ASPathNodeSource.pathCostHeuristic() must return the "best guess" for how far away the two nodes are from each other. This is the cost heuristic. Please read up on how A* works to know more about this, but for a simple 2D grid this function typically computes something as simple as the Manhattan distance between the two given nodes.

This implementation knows nothing about coordinates, grids, or anything spatial. It is up to you, by way of the callback functions, to indirectly supply this information to the algorithm when generating neighbors for a given node. The implementation makes no assumptions about the shape of your data or what you might be using it for.


AStar algo for MAPF problem solving in pure C lang (as ROS2 package)


Language:C 95.8%Language:CMake 4.2%