My dotfiles! Managed using the git bare repository method.
All my software I use is open source when possible. All the software listed below is open source. I won’t recommend proprietary software to anybody.
- Window Manager: BSPWM
- Keybinds: sxhkd
- Status bar: Polybar
- Terminal: Alacritty
- Shell: Zsh
- Text Editor: NeoVim
- IDE: Spacemacs (I’m going to switch to something better soon)
- Browser: Firefox
- Pdf reading: Zathura
- Office suite: Libre Office
- Image Viewer: sxiv
- Music: mpd & ncmpcpp
- File Manager: Ranger
- System Monitor: Bpytop
- Image editing: GIMP
Sxiv is customized using some scripts and xresources, but you change keybinds by configuring the source code, so I store all of my configuration in a fork of the official sxiv repository. My build is also a ahead of the git version of sxiv as I’ve merged some upcoming pull requests with my build.