MaryamZahiri / Robot-QR-code

Development of Human-tracking Robot using the QR Code recognition in the Linux environment. (ROS-based processes)

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Development of Human-tracking Robot using the QR Code recognition in Linux environment. As a result, Robot detects the QR code and follow it. (ROS-based processes)

A human-tracking Robot using the QR code detection for mobile robot localization and navigation is proposed. With a camera and a quick recognition algorithm, the vision system used in the experiment provides a high-accurate and high-speed recognition method for detecting a leader marked with a QR code by a mobile Robot. The algorithm detects the location of the leader with the probable recognition of matrix codes in an image. Moreover, a Robot-control part is proposed to keep a determined distance from the leader being tracked.


A mobile robot that was used in this package.

QR code

Print the QR code that will be mounted on your leader (it can be an object or human or another robot) This is an example of a valid QR-code pattern that can be downloaded from ROS Wiki or scanning the below QR code



  • Charge robot
  • Turn on NUC or the computer which is conected to the robot
  • Connect laptop to wi-fi
  • Make sure you connect the usb camera to the NUC or the computer


Install the dependencies for visp_auto_tracker if it isn't installed.

  $ cd ~/catkin_ws/src

  $ git clone

  $ cd ..

  $ catkin_make --pkg visp_auto_tracker 


  $ catkin build --pkg visp_auto_tracker

  $ source devel/setup.bash

Terminal 1: PS3 Controller

  • Connect to NUC/computer with GUI: "ssh -X {user}@{host}". (Password needed)
    • "sudo bash"
    • "rosrun ps3joy --continuous-output"
      • Press middle button on Joy Stick and see "Connection Activated"

Terminal 2: Robot Navigation (To control the Robot, we can do as follows)

  • Connect to NUC with GUI: "ssh -X {user}@{host}". (Password needed)

    • roslaunch powerbot_nav powerbot_nav.launch


Terminal 3: QR code detection

  • Connect to NUC or the computer with GUI: "ssh -X {user}@{host}". (Password needed)
    • "roslaunch visp_auto_tracker tracklive_usb.launch"
  • As a result, you can detect the QR code QR-detection

Terminal 4: QR code detection topic

  • Connect to NUC or the computer with GUI: "ssh -X {user}@{host}". (Password needed)
    • "rostopic echo /visp_auto/object_position"
  • As a result, you can detect position of the QR code QR-position-detection

Terminal 5: Following QR code

  • Connect to NUC or the computer with GUI: "ssh -X {user}@{host}". (Password ineeded)
    • "roscd qr_test"
    • "roscd src"
    • "rosrun qr_test qr_test_node qr_following"

Terminal 6: connect to ros master

  • Connect to NUC or the computer with GUI: "ssh -X {user}@{host}". (Password needed)
    • "roscore"


Development of Human-tracking Robot using the QR Code recognition in the Linux environment. (ROS-based processes)


Language:C++ 56.0%Language:CMake 44.0%