MartinHeinz / metrics-on-kind

Custom and external metrics setup on KinD cluster with Prometheus Operator and Prometheus Adapter

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Kubernetes Metrics on KinD

Self-contained KinD (Kubernetes in Docker) environment for testing custom and external Kubernetes metrics API and alpha/beta features of HorizontalPodAutoscaler (HPA).

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  • Docker
  • KinD
  • kubectl
  • cfssl (optional)


Run ./ to create KinD cluster with metrics-server, Prometheus Operator, Prometheus, Prometheus Adapter, sample application and Service Monitor.

custom-metrics-apiserver which is part of Prometheus Adapter, needs serving certificate and key. These are generated in cm-adapter-serving-certs.yaml for your convenience, but you can generate new ones using

Be aware that this setup is meant for testing and should be used in production environment, especially not the pre-generated certificates.


After running, use the commands from output.

hpa.yaml contains sample HPAs that can be tested against prepopulated metrics.

Additional commands:

To verify availability of metrics run:

kubectl top nodes
kubectl get --raw "/apis/" | jq .
kubectl get --raw "/apis/" | jq .

Generate application load:

# 300m of CPU for 10min
kubectl run curl --image=curlimages/curl:7.83.1 \
  --rm -it --restart=Never -- \
  curl --data "millicores=300&durationSec=600" http://resource-consumer:8080/ConsumeCPU

# 500Mi of RAM for 10min
kubectl run curl --image=curlimages/curl:7.83.1 \
  --rm -it --restart=Never -- \
  curl --data "megabytes=500&durationSec=600" http://resource-consumer:8080/ConsumeMem

Create metrics:

# Create custom metric with name custom_metric and value 100, present for 10min
kubectl run curl --image=curlimages/curl:7.83.1 \
  --rm -it --restart=Never -- \
  curl --data "metric=custom_metric&delta=100&durationSec=600" http://resource-consumer:8080/BumpMetric

# View metrics endpoint
kubectl run curl --image=curlimages/curl:7.83.1 \
  --rm -it --restart=Never -- \
  curl -XGET http://resource-consumer:8080/metrics

Connect to Prometheus dashboard:

kubectl -n custom-metrics port-forward service/prometheus-operated 9090
# View at localhost:9090

View prepopulated custom/external API metrics:

kubectl get --raw /apis/ | jq .
kubectl get --raw "/apis/*/custom_metric" | jq .

kubectl get --raw "/apis/" | jq .
kubectl get --raw /apis/ | jq .


kind delete clusters autoscaling


Inspired/Adjusted from:


Custom and external metrics setup on KinD cluster with Prometheus Operator and Prometheus Adapter


Language:Shell 100.0%