ManUtdMoon / comp8501-hw1-fcn

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COMP8501-HW1-FCN: Fully Convolutional Networks based on ResNet

Dongjie Yu (3030102216)

Project Structure

├── config (Shared and specific hyper-parameters, managed by hydra)
│   ├── model (Specific, mainly model names)
│   │   ├── ....yaml
│   └── train.yaml (Shared)
├── data (training set, training logs, checkpoints, plots)
│   ├── outputs
│   │   ├── ...
│   └── VOCdevkit (training data)
│       └── VOC2012
├── (load dataset, define transformations)
├── (FCN models based on ResNet)
├── (Basic blocks for models)
├── (plot training curves)
├── (Make segmentation predictions on test set)
├── (load torchvision model to make predictions)
├── (main training script)
└── (helper functions and variables such as logger, metrics, etc.)

Downloading Dataset

  • Create a sub-directory called data under the root directory.
  • Download the VOC2012 dataset from VOC2012 and extract it under the data directory. Then the directory structure is as follows:
└── data
    └── VOCdevkit
        └── VOC2012
            ├── Annotations
            ├── ImageSets
            ├── JPEGImages
            ├── SegmentationClass
            └── SegmentationObject

Installing environment

We recommend Mambaforge instead of the standard anaconda distribution for faster installation:

mamba env create -f conda_env.yaml

but you can use conda as well:

conda env create -f conda_env.yaml

Then activate the environment:

conda activate fcn


Checkout the model your like in config/model and run the following command to start training:

python model=resnet50_pretrained_fcn16s

Here I recommend using ImageNet pretrained ResNet50 as the backbone to accelerate training and get better results. Therefore, only ones with pretrained in their names are recommended.

Training Results

After training, the checkpoints, training logs, will be saved in the data/outputs directory. You can read the csv files for an overview of the training process.

Training curves

Run the following command to visualize the training curves of my results:

python -t data/outputs/2024.03.01/00.57.43_train_fcn_seg_resnet50_pretrained_fcn16s

which will be saved to the ./plot sub-directory.

Segmentation Inference

Run the following command to make inferences on the first 40 images in test set:

python -c data/outputs/2024.03.01/00.57.43_train_fcn_seg_resnet50_pretrained_fcn16s -d cpu

which will be saved to the ./predict sub-directory.

Then the whole training results directory structure is as follows:

└── 2024.03.01
    └── 00.57.43_train_fcn_seg_resnet50_pretrained_fcn16s
        ├── checkpoints
        │   ├── .ckpt
        ├── plot
        │   ├── .png
        ├── predict
        │   └── epoch=0021-acc=0.7765
        │       ├── .png
        ├── train.log
        ├── train_log.csv
        └── val_log.csv


Following repos are referred to:

References include but are not limited to:

  • Borrowed functions, classes, and scripts from the above repos
  • The overall project structure.



Language:Python 100.0%