Makalou / autodiff

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Automatic Differentiation

Why AD programming matters?

Automatic differentiation(AD), or autodiff for short, can evaluate the derivative of a function specified by a computer program automatically. Which means, once you write down your function in C++ code, you don't have to suffer from the intricate and error-prone derivative deduction on the paper, then code the result manually. All you need to do is passing the function to autodiff library, and get its derivative or gradient whenever you want :) !

Optimization & Gradient Descent Method

Once you write down a function, looking for the parameters that make the maximum or minimum value, you are involved in an optimization problem. Generally speaking, an optimization problem is the problem of finding the best solution from all feasible solutions. For example, blabla... There is one thing worth noting: depending on the whether the variables are discrete or continuous, optimization can be divided into two categories: discrete optimization and continuous optimization. In discrete optimization, both the inputs and outputs are discrete. To solve such problem, combinatorial mathematics and integer programming can come to the stage. The other form of the optimization, the continuous one, expects the inputs and outputs changing continuously and smoothly. One of the most famous algorithms to solve such problems is gradient descent.

Other Applications

Automatic Differentiation Mode

Forward mode & Dual number

Reverse mode & Compute graph

Forward or Reverse?

  • Do forward mode and reverse mode have any numeric accuracy difference?
    • No.
  • Which mode should I choose when the target function has both inputs and outputs in really high dimension?
    • Under this case unfortunately neither forward nor reverse mode could be expected to execute efficiently. The computing graph is complex so neither forward nor backward traverse can help.

High Performance Computing



GPU Acceleration

Todo List

  • variadic arguments for gradient_at function
  • optimization for reverse mode compute graph storage and traverse
  • parallel computing
  • compile-time differentiation



Language:C++ 98.8%Language:CMake 1.2%