MacWyznawca / homebridge-mqtt-temperature-tasmota

Plugin to HomeBridge optimized for work with Itead Sonoff and Electrodragon Relay Board hardware and firmware [Sonoff-Tasmota]( via MQTT. It acts as a themperature monitor for DS18B20, DHT22, DHT11, AM2301, M2302 sensors. Also works with other accessories sending the temperature as a number (payload ex. 21.1).

Repository from Github https://github.comMacWyznawca/homebridge-mqtt-temperature-tasmotaRepository from Github https://github.comMacWyznawca/homebridge-mqtt-temperature-tasmota


Plugin to HomeBridge optimized for work with Itead Sonoff and Electrodragon Relay Board hardware and firmware Sonoff-Tasmota via MQTT. It acts as a themperature monitor for DS18B20, DHT22, DHT11, AM2301, AM2302 sensors. Also works with other accessories sending the temperature as a number (payload ex. 21.1).

Like this? Please buy me a beer (or coffee) ;-) Donate a coder Jaromir Kopp


sudo npm install -g homebridge-mqtt-temperature-tasmota

Sample HomeBridge Configuration (complete)


"bridge": {
    "name": "Homebridge",
    "username": "CC:22:3D:E3:CE:30",
    "port": 51826,
    "pin": "031-45-154"

"description": "This is an example configuration file. You can use this as a template for creating your own configuration file.",

"platforms": [],

"accessories": [
		"accessory": "mqtt-temperature-tasmota",

		"url": "mqtt://MQTT-ADDRESS",
		"username": "MQTT USER NAME",
		"password": "MQTT PASSWORD",
		"topic": "tele/sonoff/SENSOR",
		"activityTopic": "tele/sonoff/LWT",
		"activityParameter": "Online",
		"startCmd": "cmnd/sonoff/TelePeriod",
		"startParameter": "120",
		"sensorPropertyName": "DS1",
		"manufacturer": "ITEAD",
		"model": "Sonoff TH",
		"serialNumberMAC": "MAC OR SERIAL NUMBER"


Sample HomeBridge Configuration (minimal)


"bridge": {
    "name": "Homebridge",
    "username": "CC:22:3D:E3:CE:30",
    "port": 51826,
    "pin": "031-45-154"

"description": "This is an example minimal configuration file. You can use this as a template for creating your own configuration file.",

"platforms": [],

"accessories": [
		"accessory": "mqtt-temperature-tasmota",

		"url": "mqtt://MQTT-ADDRESS",
		"username": "MQTT USER NAME",
		"password": "MQTT PASSWORD",
		"topic": "tele/sonoff/SENSOR"


Description of the configuration file.

sonoff in topic - topics name of Your Sonoff switch.

"topic" - telemetry topic (for sensors data)

"activityTopic": "tele/sonoff/LWT" - last will topic for check online state.

"activityParameter": "Online" - last will payload for online state.

"startCmd": "cmnd/sonoff/TelePeriod" - command sent after the connection.

"startParameter": "60" - payload for startCmd.

"sensorPropertyName": "DS1" - custom Property name for sensor (see accessory WWW console for tips: {"Time":"2017-03-01T08:47:19", "DS1":{"Temperature":4.6, "Humidity":71.7}})


Plugin to HomeBridge optimized for work with Itead Sonoff and Electrodragon Relay Board hardware and firmware [Sonoff-Tasmota]( via MQTT. It acts as a themperature monitor for DS18B20, DHT22, DHT11, AM2301, M2302 sensors. Also works with other accessories sending the temperature as a number (payload ex. 21.1).

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%