MIT-SPARK / neural_tree

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


  • python >= 3.7
  • CUDA >= 9.2 (for PyTorch Geometric)


PyTorch and PyTorch Geometric

The graph neural network architecture in the repository is built using PyTorch and PyTorch Geometric. Follow the official installation guide to install this library. An easy way to install PyTorch and PyTorch geometric is to use pip wheels. Below is an example installation code (for CUDA 10.1):

pip install scipy Cython
pip install torch==1.6.0 torchvision==0.7.0
pip install --no-index torch-scatter -f
pip install --no-index torch-sparse -f
pip install --no-index torch-cluster -f
pip install --no-index torch-spline-conv -f
pip install torch-geometric

We have tested this code repo on a Ubuntu 18.04 machine with PyTorch versions 1.6.0, 1.8.0, and PyTorch Geometric 2.0.1 with CUDA 10.1. Check this link for different PyTorch installation options and this link for PyTorch Geometric.

Other dependencies

We used TensorboardX for visualizing training progress, NetworkX for constructing (junction) tree decomposition, pickle for saving and loading preprocessed datasets.

pip install tensorboardX
pip install networkx


 author = {Talak, Rajat and Hu, Siyi and Peng, Lisa and Carlone, Luca},
 booktitle = {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},
 title = {Neural Trees for Learning on Graphs},
 year = {2021}


We tested our implementation on the room-object scene graphs, modified from the verified tiny split in Stanford 3D Scene Graph dataset. The processed dataset file and the original dataset license is in the data folder.

We also performed test on the Planetoid citation datasets (Cora, Citeseer, Pubmed). These datasets are directly obtained through PyTorch Geometric.

See python scripts in experiment to reproduce our experiments on these datasets.

Quick Start

python develop

Implementation note

This repo contains code that run the original architectures (GCN, GAT, GraphSAGE, GIN) and the neural tree architecture using the same aggregation functions on scene graphs and citation networks. You can set algorithm to either original or neural-tree as shown in the example code,

Our proposed neural-tree architecture runs message passing on a hierarchical tree data structure, called "H-tree". An H-tree can be computed via any tree decomposition. We implemented junction tree decomposition for our experiment using NetworkX and we call it "junction tree hierarchy". See generate_jth and sample_and_generate_jth (with bounded treewidth subsampling) in neural_tree/h_tree/

To train neural tree algorithm on H-tree for node classification, our current implementation generates an H-tree for each (train, validation, test) node to be classified. For scene graphs, where the graph is small, the same H-tree is used for all nodes on the same graph, with different leaf node mask for aggregating final hidden states. Note that some parts of the code assume input graph contains room_mask and object_mask, and hence are specific to scene graphs. You will need to modify these for other applications (see neural_tree/h_tree/ and neural_tree/utils/ For citation network, where the graph is large, an H-tree is constructed for each connected component of the dataset after bounded treewidth subsampling (run experiment/ after specifying dataset name and treewidth bound). Then, a sub-tree is segmented for each node to be classified. If there are T number of iterations, the sub-tree includes all leaf nodes corresponding to the classification node, and their neighbors that are within T-hops, such that message passing on the sub-trees is equivalent to that on the full H-tree.


The hyper-parameters are broken down to network_params, optimization_params, dataset_params, and neural_tree_params (for neural tree only). See example below:

network_params = {'conv_block': 'GCN',
                  'hidden_dim': 128,
                  'num_layers': 4,
                  'GAT_hidden_dims': [8, 8],
                  'GAT_heads': [8, 1],
                  'GAT_concats': [True, False],
                  'dropout': 0.25}
optimization_params = {'lr': 0.01,
                       'num_epochs': 1000,
                       'weight_decay': 0.0}
dataset_params = {'batch_size': 128,
                  'shuffle': True}
neural_tree_params = {'min_diameter': 1,
                      'max_diameter': None,
                      'sub_graph_radius': None}

hidden_dim and num_layers are for GCN, GraphSAGE and GIN aggregation functions. If all nodes are homogeneous, i.e. in the same label space (e.g. citation networks), the output dimension of the last convolution layer will be the same as the number of labels. If nodes are in different label space (e.g. scene graphs), the output dimension of the last convolution layer will be the specified hidden_dim, same as other convolution layers. A post message passing MLP (implemented as a 1-layer MLP) is used after last convolution to map the outputs to desired labels spaces.

GAT_hidden_dims, GAT_heads, GAT_concats are for GAT aggregation function so that each GAT convolution layer has its own hyper-parameter, and hidden_dim and num_layers will be ignored. The number of convolution layers is the same as the length of GAT_heads and GAT_concats. In the case of homogenous nodes, the last layer hidden dimension does not need to be specified and hence the length of GAT_hidden_dims will be 1 less than the other two hyper-parameters; otherwise the lengths should all be the same.

The optimization_params contains hyper-parameters for the Adam optimizer and dataset_params are related to PyTorch Geometric dataset loader.

The diameter hyper-parameters in neural_tree_params will filter out some H-tree and hence might reduce the number of classification nodes. Do not change this unless this is a desired modification. The sub_graph_radius will segment the original graph to an ego graph (None means the entire graph), where the center is the node to be classified and radius is bounded by the specified hyper-parameter, when constructing H-trees. This can speed up H-tree generation for large graphs. However, we recommend using treewidth subsampling and use the entire graph when constructing H-tree to avoid loosing global information of the data.


License:BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License


Language:Python 100.0%