Robust Pose Graph Optimization

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Load more than 1 .g2o files

smalltheater opened this issue · comments

Hello author,
thank your work for implementation of PCM. I am confused about loading pose graphs. In your testLoadGraph.cpp:

TEST(RobustSolver, Add2) {
// load graph for robot a (same as above)
gtsam::NonlinearFactorGraph::shared_ptr nfg;
gtsam::Values::shared_ptr values;
boost::tie(nfg, values) =
gtsam::load3D(std::string(DATASET_PATH) + "/robot_a.g2o");
// set up KimeraRPGO solver
RobustSolverParams params;
params.setPcm3DParams(100.0, 100.0, Verbosity::QUIET);
std::unique_ptr<RobustSolver> pgo =
static const gtsam::SharedNoiseModel& noise =
gtsam::noiseModel::Isotropic::Variance(6, 0.01);
gtsam::Key init_key = gtsam::Symbol('a', 0);
gtsam::PriorFactor<gtsam::Pose3> init(
init_key, values->at<gtsam::Pose3>(init_key), noise);
pgo->update(*nfg, *values); // first load
// add graph
// read g2o file for robot b
gtsam::NonlinearFactorGraph::shared_ptr nfg_b;
gtsam::Values::shared_ptr values_b;
boost::tie(nfg_b, values_b) =
gtsam::load3D(std::string(DATASET_PATH) + "/robot_b.g2o");
// add robot b
pgo->update(*nfg_b, *values_b);
gtsam::NonlinearFactorGraph nfg_out = pgo->getFactorsUnsafe();
gtsam::Values values_out = pgo->calculateEstimate();
// Since thresholds are high, should have all the edges
EXPECT(nfg_out.size() == size_t(96));
EXPECT(values_out.size() == size_t(92));
// Try add another loop closuer
// create the between factor for connection
gtsam::Key key_b1 = gtsam::Symbol('b', 1);
gtsam::Key key_a1 = gtsam::Symbol('a', 1);
gtsam::Pose3 a1b1 = gtsam::Pose3();
gtsam::BetweenFactor<gtsam::Pose3> a1tob1(key_a1, key_b1, a1b1, noise);
gtsam::NonlinearFactorGraph newfactors;
gtsam::Values newvalues;
pgo->update(newfactors, newvalues);
nfg_out = pgo->getFactorsUnsafe();
values_out = pgo->calculateEstimate();
EXPECT(nfg_out.size() == size_t(97));
EXPECT(values_out.size() == size_t(92));

you load 2 graphs at the same time. The Key used for loop closure are a1,b1. However, the keys in robot_a.g2o and robot_b.g2o are numbers:

VERTEX_SE3:QUAT 6989586621679009792 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
VERTEX_SE3:QUAT 6989586621679009793 0.92635 0.0182106 0.397159 0.0555375 -0.0738074 -0.00793144 0.995693
VERTEX_SE3:QUAT 6989586621679009794 1.93601 0.0173125 0.506064 0.0303068 -0.0540801 0.00257062 0.998073
VERTEX_SE3:QUAT 6989586621679009795 2.94811 0.046416 0.618074 0.0431276 -0.091336 0.00782434 0.994855
VERTEX_SE3:QUAT 6989586621679009796 3.96537 0.0537431 0.70129 0.0513305 -0.074802 0.000208149 0.995876
VERTEX_SE3:QUAT 6989586621679009797 5.01936 0.0874456 0.737571 0.0415649 -0.0911669 -0.0024415 0.994965

The connections between a1 and b1 do not make sense. I think the loop closure should be built with that number keys(6989586621679009794).

This should be correct, the confusion might come from how GTSAM symbol works.
a is the chr and 1 is the index.